Happy birthday Uncle Chase!

Today is Lon's youngest brother Chase's 19th birthday.

(This photo thanks to http://www.happy-birthday-clipart.com)

I have actually known Chase for longer than I have known Lon, which may seem weird to some but not to me, because I have actually known Lon's older brother Tyler the longest. He was best buds with my roommate and we soon became good friends ourselves. But back to Chase- I first met Chase one of the many times he came up with Tyler to hang out with my roommates and I. We have had tons of awesome memories together. :) Once we hid in my apartment bathroom with like a ton of other people, from this one annoying person (We were terrible back then lol!). We've driven all over town in my old van, jamming to some Red Hot Chili Peppers. We walked to the Shiloh 14 movie theater on my birthday with Lon and the two of them were both super protective of me when people would walk by because I was 7 months pregnant. :) We took Lon to the Pepper concert that was on his 22nd birthday, and had a blast at the show! Chase's senior year, he came to show me his prom tuxedo with the purple tie he got "because it reminded him of me". And all the times we've played with Alan and Buster. Great memories with a great friend.

Chase, you are a great brother-in-law and an even better uncle. I hope your day today is great, and this year brings you nothing but open doors and happiness. Love you little bro. <3


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