Month in Review: March 2012

I did these a lot last year and for some reason when I started blogging a ton again this December, I didn't continue them. But I enjoy doing Month in Reviews because its nice to re-cap my families activities of the past month as well as my thoughts on them. So I am planning on (hopefully lol) continuing to do them from now on, every month! Hooray!

This month started out with us wishing Alan's friend Keanu a happy first birthday. We also had plans to celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday, most of which didn't work out. We still had a pretty good day that day though lol. Saint Patrick's Day was also this month, Alan and I went to the parade and made Lon a Leprechaun trail.

We were very busy this month. We had lots of different events that we took Alan to. Grandma Melanie took us to see Mickey and Minnie at Disney on Ice, which Alan just loved! We gave Alan his first haircut in about a year, it wasn't the best work my mom and I have done but it works for a mobile toddler lol! :) I also braved Thunderstruck Dance Competition and the Spotlight Dance Cup with Alan and both times he was just fantastic! We were there for 5+ hours too! The night before Saint Patrick's Day, we went to Uncle Kalvin's school for a spaghetti dinner night! Alan enjoyed the spaghetti, crafts and playing on the playground with Kalvin and our neighbor friend. Then we finished out the month by going to the Shrine circus with my family and friends. What a busy month we had, it went by so fast!

March was the month of warm weather and springtime adventures for my family. But it seemed as though Mother Nature couldn't make up her mind because we had some crazy up and down weather this month too lol. I took Alan to Pioneer Park one beautiful day, and the next it was snowing out. What??? :) Then came more 70 degree weather, so Alan and I went to play at Rose Park. He had fun looking for the missing water in the river and shaking all the coconuts out of the tree lol. We also spent many nights outside at Grandma Melanie's house, playing in the dirt and on the swing set. What nice weather we have (mostly) had this month!

I wrote about several different topics this month. Since finding out the gender of our new addition in February, I wrote about our name choice for her. I wrote about songs that I enjoy singing to Alan, which will probably change when Anna gets here. I also discussed different ways to include your toddler in the kitchen and ways that Alan helps me cook. He isn't interested in cooking most of the time, but when he is, I am glad for him to help out! :) We are in the process of finding a new place to live and packing, so I explored some nursery options for Alan and Anna in our new apartment.

I also updated everyone on my Traveling Red Dress journey and wrote about how my sister Natalie would be photographing me. I shared my advice and opinion on dealing with super picky eaters, since I have such a super no make that two picky eaters myself. I discussed the wonders of teaching children at a daycare, and pondered cutting my hair again. With me over halfway through this pregnancy, I thought about my baby shower and shared some issues we were having with planning the shower. Thankfully, they have been all resolved! :) Alan and Anna have a wonderfully loving Great Grandmother Audrey, as well as their other fantastic great grandparents. This month, I told you all the story of how loving Great Grandma Audrey is to her unborn great granddaughter. I finished up the month with telling everyone how the Andersen family plans on spending their Easter Sunday this year.

I also wrote a ton about my pregnancy with Anna. This month I made it through week 21, week 22, week 23 and week 24. We had a good laugh when I shared Alan's views on this pregnancy. He still believes he has puppies in his belly! Silly boy! I had my third midwife appointment this month, which went smoothly and was quite uneventful actually. That's what happens when you're having your second child I guess lol. Lastly, I showed you a funny pregnancy video that reminds me of my current life lmao!

What an eventful month! I hope you enjoyed going through the journey with me! I really can't believe that March is already over and April is here! Only three more months until Anna is here. Insanity! :) Oh yeah, be sure to tune in tomorrow for this week's Pregnancy Post! Have a great day everyone!


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