Andersen Family Thanksgiving 2014

We had a pretty mellow Thanksgiving this year, it was surprisingly wonderful! My parents and siblings all went to Townsend to see family for Thanksgiving, so we spent it with Lon's family and my father's relatives in the Heights. We were hoping to go up to Townsend to see my mother's relatives this year but as that sounded good in the summer, we just didn't have the funds to actually be able to make it happen. With my car breaking down in August, we spent more money then we had originally planned and couldn't afford to save up for a trip. I am sad about it, but hopeful. Lon reminded me that it only meant that we would have to postpone the trip, not cancel it entirely. We can probably save up for it again after Christmas is over and go in the spring, maybe for our anniversary. That would be cool because we would be able to see everyone AND it would kind of be like a "surprise" or "spontaneous" trip for my family. We usually only try to go up to Townsend for the three big holidays in the year- Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Fourth of July. If we went in April, it would be totally random, and totally awesome for both us and them! :D I am a little excited, even though it stinks not being able to be up there now.

Turkey Day morning started with watching the Run Turkey Run 5K on our block, while watching both parades on tv (or maybe the same parade, filmed by two different channels and at two different times? Not sure on that one lol) and a messed up breakfast… 

Look at them, running on OUR street! So awesome! Run turkeys!
After our traditional Thanksgiving morning, we headed over to Lon's parent's house for our first round of Thanksgiving meals. Grandma Amber and Grandpa Steve were there, as well as Aunt Ariel and Uncle Chase. It was a much smaller Thanksgiving gathering then the Andersen household is used to, considering that they have six children. But we had a wonderful meal with them regardless. We had a glazed ham with green bean casserole, candied yams, mashed potatoes with gravy and rolls. Yum! We watched a few movies with them and then had pumpkin pie or pecan pie for dessert.

Then we loaded back into the car and drove over to my Aunt Carolyn's house in the heights. There was a considerable amount of traffic close to Walmart, apparently we had planned on leaving right when everyone else wanted to for Black Friday shopping. It took us almost an hour to get there! Blah! :/ It was definitely worth it once we did though! Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Rick were there obviously, as well as my cousins Garrett and Julie. My cousin Ashley and her daughter  Sophie were absent however, only Cody ended up being able to come because Miss Soph had the stomach bug that was going around. Poor sweetheart! Great Grandma Carol and Great Grandpa Floyd were there, as was Great Uncle Jerry. We had four generations of family present! :D

At Carolyn's house, we had turkey. It was pretty cool because we ended up having both ham and turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. ;) She had stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy and rolls as well. It was a delicious second helping of dinner! Yum! Afterwards, Alan and Anna played in Sophie's playroom for a good hour. They really were looking forward to see her, Alan especially! He was quite sad that she was sick, he followed her dad around the house until he left!

Look at the SIZE of this dollhouse!

All in all, it was definitely a low-key Thanksgiving. But it was still a great day, celebrated with my loved ones and my beautiful family. That was all it needed to be. :) I have so much to be thankful for (everyday not just Thanksgiving) and the biggest thing is my amazing children. They light up my day all the time, I wouldn't be where I was without their love and happiness. I love you guys!

I hope everyone who is shopping today is safe and courteous to others, fellow shoppers as well as the employees of the stores you are shopping at! We try to not participate in Black Friday shopping, unless its online, because I have many loved ones who work in retail. Black Friday shouldn't just be about getting the best deals, it should also be a day to give back to those who need it. There are a lot of people at the stores today that are volunteering their time for the less fortunate. The bell ringers… The marines helping with Toys for Tots… Be sure to give back to them, donate a toy or some spare change, and be sure to thank them for their service.


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