She's Back!

 Hello! Hello! Hello!

My wonderful readers, I am back!  And not only am I back, but I am bigger than before!  I have moved twice, once to Hamilton and now to Missoula.  Guys, I used to HATE Missoula.  I left my abusive first husband and divorced him officially in July 2019!  I met Aaron and we have two children, Aurora and Artyom.  I am teaching again and back in school.  We have kitties now!  And I am a self-published author and make money on both Facebook and YouTube now!  Oh my lovelies, we have SO much to catch up on! Where do I begin??????


Lon assaulted a woman and was arrested.
Alan started Kindergarten.
Anna started preschool at the YMCA.


I became pregnant with Andrea.
Lon assaulted me and was arrested.
I filed for a TRO and for divorce.
I moved out of my parent's house and into my own apartment.


Andrea was born.
Lon violated the restraining order and moved in with us.
Anna started Kindergarten.
My brother-in-law Jake passed away.


Alan, Anna, Andrea, and I moved to Hamilton, Montana.
I started working with a SAFE in the Bitterroot domestic violence advocate,
I renewed my TRO and my divorce request.
I started working at Bitterroot River Inn as a housekeeper.
Aaron and I started dating.
My nephew Jake Jr. was born.
I moved out of my sister's house and into my own apartment!


I started working at the Missoula Family YMCA Learning Center.
I became pregnant with Aurora.
Aaron moved up to Hamilton, Montana.
Aurora was born.
Lon and I officially dissolved our marriage in court.
I started working at the Associated Students of the University of Montana Childcare and Preschool Center.


COVID-19 swept the world, suddenly we were in a worldwide pandemic.
We moved to Missoula, Montana.
Andrea started preschool at the Missoula Family YMCA Learning Center.
Aaron proposed to me.
I became pregnant with Artyom.
I started writing the memoir "Se!zure F@ce" under the pen name MW Wolffe.


Artyom was born.
Aaron and I adopted two emotional support cats named Genessy and Thor.
Alan started middle school.
I published my first novel "Se!zure F@ce" under the pen name MW Wolffe.
I started writing the children's short story "The Boy and The Match" under the pen name MW Wolffe.
I started writing the novel "Postpartum Depression Thoughts" under the pen name MW Wolffe.

Aaron and Artyom


Mother and Son

Andrea as Anna from Frozen

I think that is it for now!  Aaron and I will be married this Saturday!  I cannot believe how far I have come since the last time I posted on here.  Recovering this amazing blog of mine was such a journey.  I am excited to use it as an outlet for my writing about my family.  I cannot wait to see where this blog goes in the next five years!

I will leave you with some links to my wonderful novels:


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