She's Back!

Hello! Hello! Hello! My wonderful readers, I am back! And not only am I back, but I am bigger than before! I have moved twice, once to Hamilton and now to Missoula. Guys, I used to HATE Missoula. I left my abusive first husband and divorced him officially in July 2019! I met Aaron and we have two children, Aurora and Artyom. I am teaching again and back in school. We have kitties now! And I am a self-published author and make money on both Facebook and YouTube now! Oh my lovelies, we have SO much to catch up on! Where do I begin?????? 2015: Lon assaulted a woman and was arrested. Alan started Kindergarten. Anna started preschool at the YMCA. 2016: I became pregnant with Andrea. Lon assaulted me and was arrested. I filed for a TRO and for divorce. I moved out of my parent's house and into my own apartment. 2017: Andrea was born. Lon violated the restraining order and moved in with us. Anna started Kindergarten. My brother-in-la...