The YMCA Annual Campaign and Dance Stuff

BIG things going on for me in 2015, big and exciting things! :D I had a wonderful weekend with some friends who were town, who are very well known choreographers in the dance world. And I had two super cool things happen to me at work as well. Yes! I am so happy and cannot wait for this year! After all the hard work and the rough year we had in 2013 and 2014, I know that wonderful things were bound to happen this year! I just hope that a new house for our family is ALSO in the cards this year. I will keep praying and keep spreading that good karma!

So we will begin with the work news: I was offered to join the YMCA's annual campaign this year. Our annual campaign raises money to provide more memberships, scholarships and healthy lifestyle programs for our community. All of our annual campaign donations help with either our preschool or afterschool programs, our scholarships to families and senior members, our Livestrong program, our Get Started program, our aquatics and sports scholarships, our Active 6 program and our BOLD/GOLD program. That list of beneficiaries from the campaign is soooooooo long, I think there is something for everyone in there. And that is the point of the YMCA, that is the point of the annual campaign. The YMCA is a community-based movement for healthy, independent living. We are for everyone, we turn nobody away. This is truly one place for every person to succeed at something and feel good about themeselves. I am so completely honored to be apart of this life-changing movement and to be apart of the annual campaign this year. Everyday I am inspired by members of my Y family, my family and I wouldn't be where we are today without them. The fact that I can give back to my community AND share my love for our movement is such a blessing!

I give because... every child, every teenager, every adult, every PERSON deserves a chance to succeed at something and feel good about themselves.

My friend Ambrose was in town this weekend. Diversity Dance held a mock competition at a local church to prepare for the many big competitions they have coming up this year. They have TWO Velocity competitions this year! Lon and I were able to hang out with him every night he was in town, it was so cool! :D I was also able to make it to the performance the last day that he was in town. All I have to say about the dances is, I hope that everyone is ready because Diversity has sure stepped up the game! Wowza!

Just for some fun, here is a photo of Miss Anna Banana in a Sullivan from Monsters Inc. costume at dance class recently. I know I share so many darn photos of her in dance class but what can I say? I am a dance mom. ;) Plus, I couldn't pass this photo opportunity, it is too adorable! I mean, its Sully from Monsters Inc! Where's Mike Wazoski?

And speaking of dance, my final bit of big news for y'all! I am officially teaching at another dance studio! This has been a goal of mine for sometime now, I am just beside myself! I now officially teach Anna's dance class at Diversity Dance Studio! :D So that makes 10 total classes, 5 gymnastics classes, 5 dance classes, and 2 different dance studios! Yay! 2015 is going to rock! I am offically on my way to progressing my dance carreer!

I cannot wait to see what else 2015 has in store for my family and I. Here's hoping that its a house at some point! It would be absolutely perfect to finally live together again after living apart for fifteen months. I will keep hoping, keep praying, keep following the Tao and keep up that good karma! Hopefully my next post is about a potential place!


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