What I'm Loving Wednesday!! May 8, 2013

Happy Wednesday my wonderful readers! I have quite a bit to love today! Here is this week's WILW! Enjoy and have a great day!

I'm loving... that today is Alan's last gymnastics showcase before summer break. Lon has work and will not be able to make it but Grandma Melanie, Anna and I will be there! He will do awesome, I know it! Stay tuned for photos!

I'm loving... the goregous summer weather we have been having this past week! We have busted out the tanktops, shorts, dresses and flipflops Mother Nature, don't you dare make it snow again!

I'm loving...that Anna is having two MAJOR milestones happen this week: she turned 10 months old yesterday and is going to daycare for the first time today. My big girl!

I'm loving... how well Aunt Natalie's baby shower went. Everyone had a great time, including the Guest of Honor herself. The games were a lot of fun too! Oh it was perfect!

I'm loving... that we had a wonderful time with Aunt Natalie and Uncle Kalvin's birthday weekend too! We are so glad that Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake were able to come to town for Nat's birthday, we will miss them! We can't wait to see them again!

I'm loving... (This is a weird Mom one lol) that Alan will be wearing underwear like a big boy to daycare next week. He has been doing very well with his potty training and Lon even taught him to pee standing up. He is ready for underwear everywhere and for preschool! :D

I'm loving... that this weekend is Mother's Day. I am arranging for flowers to be sent to my sister shhhhhhhh lol for her first Mother's Day. Lon and I will also be getting both of our parents flowers and visiting them. Ooooohhhh I love Mother's and Father's Day! :D

I'm loving... that my ankle feels much better now. The swelling is gone now and their is only light bruising in the trauma area. Yay!

I'm loving... that Aunt April has another dance competition this weekend! I love going and watching her studio perform, not to mention that the inspiration is invaluable. I love hearing new songs and seeing new hiphop moves and freezes. It simply another tool I use as a dance teacher. :)

I'm loving... my family, my friends, my job and my life!


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