The Boredom Box

Today was another rainy day for us. It seems to be that way a lot lately, but you will not hear me complaining ONCE. I love the rain, it cleanses and nourishes and brings about life. I love watching the rain fall and seeing the beautiful, bright GREEN vegetation outside. Its almost like they are singing so happily about the rain, oh I love it! Don't hate lol, its just the hippie in me! I can't help it!

Lately, Alan has been acting wilder and wilder while we are at home during the day and I am trying to clean. I do my best to take him outside everyday and to keep his interest sparked as much as possible throughout the day, but its hard. I found a great idea that should help me do this and encourage him to keep himself entertained too. Its called the Boredom Box and I suggest every "stay at home kid" has one! Alan loves his so much and he has only had it a few hours now!

The Boredom Box is simply a box full of ideas for your kid to do to keep them from being bored. On each piece of paper I wrote two activity ideas, one for a nice day and one for a rainy day. I used a shoebox and let Alan decorate it with markers and stickers. Together Alan and I wrote "Boredom Box" on the top. I think it looks pretty nice.

When Alan is bored from now on, I told him to come get me. I will go get the box and he can draw a piece of paper out of it. Whatever is on there and depending on the weather, we will do that activity. Afterwards, the paper goes back in and is shaken up. This will always give him something interesting to do.

Some activity ideas we put in Alan's box:

Outdoor Activities: 
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Bike Ride
Water Balloon Fight
Water Gun Fight

Indoor Activities:
Dance Party
Pillow Fight
Hide and Seek
Read a Book
Movie Theatre
Puppet Show
Make Believe

So far Alan has asked to use it (by himself, mind you) four times today! We did a scavenger hunt, pillow fight, played make believe and did a craft. We made a cool pop-up card for Uncle Kalvin! Alan cannot wait to see Uncle Kalvin again and give him his card. I know that Uncle Kalvin will love it so much, Alan customized it (including but not limited to: psychedelic colored cars, a drawing of Alan and Uncle Kalvin, a talking snake and tall TALL buildings) just for him! :) Alan has been really ebjoying the whole new concept so far. He loves the thing and thinks its so cool! He wanted to do all the activities today lol! Silly sweet guy! I love him so much!

What kind of things would you put in your Boredom Box? We are always up for adding in more ideas. :D


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