Making a STRIKE at Uncle Kalvin's Party

We are taking a much needed break today, I do not have work and our house could use some cleaning lol. We are beat still from the weekend. :P Tomorrow Anna will be ten months old though, we are so excited! I totally did not realize it was already coming up, I have been so busy with the recital and baby shower. That makes ten months of breast feeding too! Go Anna and I! I am so proud of us! <3

Friday night we had Uncle Kalvin's birthday party at the local bowling alley. Four of Kalvin's school friends came and Alan bowled with the group. At first, he REALLY not into it and he only wanted to check out the pinball machine. But after we had gotten him a bowling ramp and he started watching Kalvin's school friends, he was way more into it. He began picking the balls up himself and carrying them over to the ramps. I was afraid he was going to drop it, but every time he did fantastic!

I was able to bowl with my siblings and father too. I did not think I would get to bowl but I did! I love bowling, always have. When Natalie and I were little kids, we were taught how to bowl by a professional bowler. We are both pretty good bowlers and I just love doing it too lol! I was pretty happy that I got to bowl. I didn't win lol, but I did score several strikes and spares!

Miss Anna hung out with Grandma Melanie and Great Grandma Carol while we bowled. She enjoyed showing them all her new tricks lol, she pulled herself up on anything she could get her little hands on and even tried to stand by herself a few times. She is my wild girl! She has started this new thing were she will just let go and try to stand by herself. Sometimes she is succesful at this, other times not so much lol. She is determined to stand and walk though!

Uncle Kalvin even had a camo cake! Uncle Jake and Grandma Melanie picked it out and I think it is perfect! It was yummy chocloate too. Kalvin really enjoyed the gift we got him. Lon was pleased, he had put a lot of thought into it. We got him a kid sized camping chair, some cool camping untensils and a Star Wars Lego set. He loved it so much, he was so excited! The party was a great successful overall! I think Kalvin and his friends had a great time.


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