Aunt Natalie's Baby Shower

Today was a typical Thursday. The kids and I walked down to Terry Park to meet up with DesiRae, Kelsie and her boys. We had a little picnic and then let the boys play. Afterwards, I had work and Anna had her second time at daycare too. She did very well and is a great baby they said! Everyone loves her there, and for obvious reasons. :)

We had Aunt Natalie's baby shower on her birthday, last Sunday afternoon. What a different 21st birthday to be having lol! :) She sure enjoyed it though and that's what is important.
We had a big barbeque in my parent's backyard. Thankfully, it was a gorgeously nice day out and it stayed that way the whole party. It was actually hot, like hot hot lol, which was weird for us since we have been so used to the winter cold. I liked it. :) Her party was dinosaur themed and we decorated the yards and living room that way. The driveway had big dino footprints walking up, courtesy of Aunt April. I could not get a photo of them where you could see the chalk but there we're very cool! The living was our "jungle". There were several trees made out of tablecloths, streamers and balloons. They did not look exactly how I thought they would but they did look good.

We played four games there: the traditional Guess my Belly Size Game and Don't Say Baby Game. Plus we played two new games, the Water Breaking Game and the Labor Game. The Water Breaking Game is fun, little baby toys are frozen in ice and each guest gets an ice cube. They put it in their drink and keep an eye on it throughout the party.


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