The YMCA Spring Dance Showcase 2013

Today is a BIG day for both of my children! Alan has his last gymnastics showcase before summer break tonight and Anna will also be going to daycare for the FIRST TIME EVER! We are excited for both of them. I know that Alan will rock his showcase, like he always does lol. And Miss Anna will be fine with Alan and I at daycare with her. I do not have dance class this month and can be with her the whole time if she wants me to. Lucky girl lol! We will just see if she will nurse there lol, I do not think it will happen personally. :P I will let you know how it all goes!

The showcase this past Saturday was phenomenal. Our students did just amazing and performed their absolute best. Ooh, the show was sooooooo good!

I could go on and on about it, but I would rather just photo bomb ya!

I am just so proud of all of the students that participated! You guys are all so awesome! Good job! I hope to see you this summer for class. :)


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