Moments in Life...

Once again I apologize for neglecting the blog. Honestly, life has just been so... exhausting lately, I have been neglecting quite a bit. The blog... the dishes... the laundry... Nothing too terribly important though lol!

Anna is soooooooooo close to cutting teeth, I hope lol because I cannot take much more. Some nights we are up until five, while others we wake up bright and early around six in the morning. Its every day too lol, I have yet to have a decent nights sleep in some time. Oh well, enough complaining from me! I will instead update you all on some special moments our family has shared this past week. :)

Last Wednesday was Alan's last gymnastics class for this school year. He made his teacher a sweet card with dinosaur practicing in their own gymnastics class and said, "To an awesome gymnastics teacher" on the front. I loved it and she clearly did too! Just yesterday we received a thank you card from her. So sweet! Unfortunately, Alan's gymnastics teacher was sick so Alan had a substitute teacher. Even though he did not get to see his teacher, he still enjoyed his last class with his friends. I took some photos of my gymnastics star. He can do so much now! He was taught how to do a front and backwards somersault, a beginner's cartwheel, the bridge, beginner's bar work and a few other beginning things. We are quite proud of the progress he has learned in six months!

I received my class roster for hip hop this summer and I am pleased to say that my older class is almost full! I start teaching again in June and I cannot wait! I have been missing dance this month!

Sunday, we spent some time with my grandparents. We went out to brunch with them and then went summer clothes shopping with them. It is nice to spend time with them, they are getting up in age and I cherish every moment we spend with them. The kids brighten their days too, it makes them so happy to get to see Alan and Anna. I wouldn't take all the money in the world for that happiness. It is so beautiful! Love you Great Grandma and Great Grandpa!

Today we took Aunt Ariel out to lunch for Memorial Day and well, just because we love her and miss her lol! Alan picked the Village Inn (where else lol?) and Baskin Robbins for dessert. We had a great time with her! Alan and Ariel played PacMan and other video games, while Anna and I watched. Then we had pizza with Daddy while he was on break. That was nice. :) I even saw my BFF Jenelle at the ice cream shop! She works there and was so happy to see us all. We love our Miss J so much!

After spending time with Ariel, we went to the mall for a playdate with Kelsie, Jessica and their four kids. Alan chased Kelton and Carly around the play area pretty much the whole time! Anna explored the whole area, played under the toy bridge with Carly and even tried to steal Baby Trent's toys. Both kids had a fantastic time! And I was able to have some quality Mom time with my friends. It was a great day for all!

I would just like to take the time to thank everyone serving in the military for all the sacrifices they do on a daily basis. Military people sacrifice so much for us, we could never repay them. I have family in the military: my grandparents, an uncle, an aunt, my cousins and Lon's brothers. One of Lon's brothers was just deployed to Afghanistan, leaving his beautiful wife and furry children behind in New York. Thank you to all these people. You have no idea how strong you really are! You all truly are real life super heroes. <3

Happy Memorial Day everyone!


  1. Hey, I think something might be wrong with your RSS feed. I tried to add you to my blogroll but it shows your blog hasn't been updated in seven months. Bloglovin' also says the same thing. Just letting you know I'm trying to follow you!!

    1. That is very weird, I will check on that. I usually use my phone so maybe that's why its saying its not. updated. Doesn't make much sense. Thanks for giving me a heads up though! And thanks for wanting to follow me! I am quite honored. :)


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