The End of the School Year for Many

This weekend, my family and I celebrated the end of the school year for several of our friends and family. I had four friends who graduated, and Aunt April and our cousin Peyton finished out the year with the School of Classical Ballet with their BEAUTIFUL ballet recital. We also finished up the school year and prepared for the summer rush at work with our big all staff meeting. It was a wonderful weekend for everyone! I am so proud of all of you guys!

Aunt April and Peyton were so awesome on Saturday! I am so proud of both of them! Both girls have grown to be such great dancers and it just amazes me. Aunt April performed in five dances, two of them on pointe, and Peyton performed in two dances. I went alone with my mother while the kids had a Daddy Date with Lon. My father and Uncle Kalvin stopped by to watch the girls first few dances too.
Aunt April performed in two pointe dances this year! I am so proud of her! She moved gracefully and she stayed strong throughout both dances. Good job! Her first pointe dance was called Rhapsody on a Theme and the second one was Czardas from Raymonda. She also performed a dance called 72 Degrees and Sunny, the music is on the DVD menu of WAL-E lol! I love that music, so mysterious and beautiful. It builds up in such a wonderful way, and the choreographer Betty did an amazing job at portraying it with the movement. I think this was my favorite piece Aunt April did! She also performed in a dance choreographed by one of my first dance teachers Teal Darkenwald. It was a dance called Pass Forward. I very much enjoyed this dance as well, their movements reminded me of running water. I think that's what Teal was going for. :) Aunt April closed out the show with the jazz group dance called Roxie's Suite. It was a variation on Roxie's (from Chicago) music and the girls dressed like 1920s flapper girls. It was adorable! Loved the creativity!

Peyton has grown into such a beautiful ballet dancer, I cannot believe how good she is! Bravo Peyton, keep it up girl! She performed in two dances. The first was a jazz dance called Steam Heat. She rocked it! Wow that girl has some sass! She is just like Aunt April lol. She did great. She then performed in a creepy piece called Macabre. The girls were dressed in black and danced around, terrorizing the little school girl. It was a creepily cool dance! I loved it! Great job Peyton, keeping shining bright! You are a super star!

The ballet was beautiful and I am very proud of the girls who performed. Bravo SCB students, bravo! The next day was unofficially graduation day, as we celebrated four amazing women who graduated! Two of my beautiful former dance students graduated from high school. My good friend Chelsey graduated from nursing school and my bestie Jenelle graduated from college with a teaching degree. Congratulations ladies! We are so proud of you! We went to the two high school grad parties with Aunt April. We had a great time at both of them. One party had a cool tampoline chair and a dance room (very sweet). The other party had a chocolate fountain and space heaters, which came in handy because it was POURING outside. Alan played in the rain and had a blast though. And he followed Miss Brooke, my old dance teacher's daughter who was born the day before him, around everywhere lol. He was her little shadow! :) Can you say puppy love?

We had a wonderful weekend with our loved ones. Congratulations to Aunt April, Peyton, Chelsey, Jenelle and my two former dance students on their accomplishments! We are so proud of you, keep it up!


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