Month in Review: April 2013

How was your April?

We had a decent April. A lot of important things were figured out and we celebrated lots of milestones for this family. Here is what I wrote about:

There was a few birthdays this month and also our wedding anniversary. We were very busy with all of our celebrations! We started out the month celebrating Uncle Tyler's birthday. He turned 27 this year. We had Aunt Sam and him over for birthday dinner at our house. Then was Aunt April's 14th birthday. The kids and I took her shopping for her birthday. We had a lot of fun! Nataional Siblings Day was a few days later, I sent my awesome siblings some love. Then I celebrated my blogging friend Hollie's birthday online. As well as my good friend Chelsey's 24th birthday. A couple of my girlfriends and I took her out for drinks that night. It was one of the first times since I got pregnant with Anna! Speaking of Miss, Anna also turned nine months old, along with that came a new desire to stand on her own and to talk. We celebrated our second wedding anniversary April 23, by going out for sushi and sake at the Asian Sea Grill. Like I said, we were practically celebrating all week!

We started out the month with Wear Blue for Autism Day. The kiddos were decked out in their navy blue best lol! The Andersen family started the month out with the Shrine circus. We went with Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Kevin, Aunt April, Uncle Kalvin and cousin Morgan. It was a lot of fun! Aunt April also had a dance competition that weekend, that she was smoking hot at! Go April, you dancing queen! I took the kids to Riverfront Park with our friends for a nature walk. After the Boston Marathon bombing, I wore my Color me Rad shirt to show support for the victims and volunteers. I helped host my bosses' baby shower last minute but as for Earth Day, that was another story. It snowed everywhere and was too cold for us to do anything lol. Darn! Lon's car was determined as totaled and we were given a replacement rental car for a week until we received our total check. We got a super nice Ford Explorer that I loved! Finally, my hip hop students performed their dances at their dress rehearsal and were so awesome! They rocked it!

I wrote a two things this month, but I was also quite busy preparing for my dance recital and Aunt Natalie's baby shower. I wrote a heartfelt letter to my beloved children about how my love for them will always overcome my imperfections in parenting. I stood up for Princess Kate and her struggles with weight gain during her pregnancy, something I went through with both of my pregnancies.

April was a great month, even though it was busy! This month will bring my dance recital, Aunt Natalie's birthday, Uncle Kalvin's birthday, Uncle Darren's birthday, Mother's Day, several graduation parties and Memorial weekend. Yay!


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