Happy Birthday Aunt Natalie!

Today is Natalie's 21st birthday.

I am so very proud of the grown woman my sister has developed into. I remember when we used to perform mini dance and circus inspired performances for our parents and when we used to share a bunk bed. I slept on top, only ever falling out once on accident. Its so odd to think that we are adults now! I am married with children and you have a little one on the way yourself. You have a great job at the hospital in your town and are still going to school. I know that my nephew will be very proud of his parents.

We celebrated Aunt Natalie's birthday last night at Dos Machos. It is tradition in our family to have dinner there for Nat's birthday every year because its also Cinco de Mayo. Lon was not able to make it but the kids and I went. I had a chicken enchilada and chicken taco, it was so yum! I tried to get Alan to eat a taco but he decided he wanted chicken strips. Not very festive but at least he ate lol. Anna would not eat anything I gave her until I busted out the baby food. Then she ate two jars lol!

Happy birthday Aunt Natalie! We love you!


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