
Showing posts from April, 2014

Sunday Photo Dump

I have a handful, check that a stock of photos I haven't had the chance to post on here. They are all from pretty recent too. So I figured that I would post some of them today, since I don't have anything else to post lol. Be prepared, it will definitely be a photo dump! But its of my cute kids, so it shouldn't be too bad! Right? :P So a few weeks ago, we went to Alan's preschool class a little early. Which was awesome because it meant that he could play at Open Gym for a bit too! He just loved it! Here are some pictures that I never posted, for some weird reason. Both kids bouncing on the tramp at the same time! The last time Miss Anna got to wear this dress. Its too small now! Alan in the donut hole with all the bouncy balls lol! Now that the weather is nice, I have been taking the kids outside a lot more. They deserve to be out in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. They love it too! Especially Miss Anna, she loves that she can run around in th...

The Third Year...

Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary. It is crazy to think that this day, three years ago, I had just been married to my husband and was preparing for the reception and Easter Sunday. Today though because it was a regular Wednesday, I hung out with my family and taught my second to last hip hop class of the session. Then Lon and I went out on our date at Red Robin. Much different then my wedding day but today was also full of memories. Memories of our wedding and memories of every anniversary we celebrated. My first anniversary, I was pregnant with Miss Anna. My second anniversary, we had Miss Anna with us and were celebrating as a whole family. :) So many memories! We were so lucky to have Grandma Amber watch the kids for us so we could go out on our actual anniversary. It was great to get out, just the two of us. We made a rule before we left that we wouldn't talk about work, finances, our home situation or anything negative. We would only have fun together and enjoy each othe...

Tumbling Queens

It was a week full of showcases for my gymnastics class! I was quite excited for my girls! Our week started out with the Tumble Bears showcase. Only two of my three girls were there but I had passed all of them to Tumble 1 once they turned five years old. They were all quite excited! My showcase floor are prepared for my students My girls did such a great job! They are twins and were surprisingly quite nervous. For my Tumble Bears classes, we just show each skill one at a time.They aren't quite old enough to remember and perform a whole routine yet, especially if this is their first year in gymnastics. Regardless, they executed each gymnastics skill perfectly! I am so proud of them! They had quite the audience too, with their parents, aunt and cousins all there! It was a decent sized audience, but they didn't care once we had begun. Great job girls! I hope to see you in class next week! We all matched that day too lol! Awesome! Tuesday night, I had two gymnastics sh...

Hoppy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter weekend! How was yours? The kids went on two egg hunts and saw a whole bunch of our family members. It was great! Be prepared for a bit of a photo dump, I took so many photos from this weekend lol. Saturday morning after Alan's last soccer game, my mom took the kids to an Easter egg hunt. I had to work, so I was so happy she took the kids too. Both Alan and Anna did their own egg hunts for their age group. Alan didn't get too many eggs actually but Anna found quite a few. She was so nice and shared with him though! Alan sliding down the inflatable slide After the egg hunts, Alan and Anna played a few games and went on the inflatable things before leaving for lunch. Alan went on the slide a few times and Anna played in the bouncy house. She was silly though and would only sit, said my mom. Apparently she wanted other kids to bounce her lol. What a goof ball! :) They all had a great time though. Anna and Uncle Kalvin after their Easter egg hu...

Little Peter Cottontail, Hopping Down the Bunny Trail...

The kids and I have had quite the Easter filled week this past week. Alan's preschool had their Easter party and Easter egg hunt on Tuesday. And We paid Mister E.B. a visit on Wednesday. Easter is obviously this Sunday but we had to have some celebrating during the week too! Happy spring and hoppy Easter! Alan's preschool class had their Easter party this Tuesday. As per usual, Miss Anna and I stayed for the beginning half of the party. They all started out making little Easter egg craft with chickens inside. Even Anna made one! Hers was mostly purple and pink, but it was cute! She enjoyed coloring and creating with her brother and his classmates. I bet she cannot wait to go to preschool herself! :) Oh how the second child always develops faster then the first! Silly children! The kids, working on their crafts After making their eggs, everyone sat down to listen to Miss Davis read an Easter bunny story. Anna obviously HAD to do what all the big kids were doing, especial...