Sunday Photo Dump

I have a handful, check that a stock of photos I haven't had the chance to post on here. They are all from pretty recent too. So I figured that I would post some of them today, since I don't have anything else to post lol. Be prepared, it will definitely be a photo dump! But its of my cute kids, so it shouldn't be too bad! Right? :P So a few weeks ago, we went to Alan's preschool class a little early. Which was awesome because it meant that he could play at Open Gym for a bit too! He just loved it! Here are some pictures that I never posted, for some weird reason. Both kids bouncing on the tramp at the same time! The last time Miss Anna got to wear this dress. Its too small now! Alan in the donut hole with all the bouncy balls lol! Now that the weather is nice, I have been taking the kids outside a lot more. They deserve to be out in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. They love it too! Especially Miss Anna, she loves that she can run around in th...