Sunday Photo Dump

I have a handful, check that a stock of photos I haven't had the chance to post on here. They are all from pretty recent too. So I figured that I would post some of them today, since I don't have anything else to post lol. Be prepared, it will definitely be a photo dump! But its of my cute kids, so it shouldn't be too bad! Right? :P

So a few weeks ago, we went to Alan's preschool class a little early. Which was awesome because it meant that he could play at Open Gym for a bit too! He just loved it! Here are some pictures that I never posted, for some weird reason.

Both kids bouncing on the tramp at the same time!

The last time Miss Anna got to wear this dress. Its too small now!

Alan in the donut hole with all the bouncy balls lol!

Now that the weather is nice, I have been taking the kids outside a lot more. They deserve to be out in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. They love it too! Especially Miss Anna, she loves that she can run around in the sun now! Sometimes we go to the park, but somedays we just stay at Grandma Melanie's house and play in the backyard. There's swings and Alan's tricycle there! :)

Anna on the swingset

Alan running in the sunlight

Alan and Anna biking down the street

Alan on his tricycle

Kids swinging together

With all of this nice weather we have been having, I went through all of the kids' clothes and sorted out all their smaller winter clothes (18M and 4T's). Then I pulled out their stock of hand-me-downs and went through all of them, taking out all the new summer clothes (2T and 5T's) for the kids. Thankfully, the kids were pretty set after that. But we hit up Old Navy's killer spring sale and got several more shirts and shorts for the kids, at only like $2-3 each! Now they are almost good, we just need new 5T undies for Alan and summer pjamas for both kids. Then we will be good! Who else loves hand-me-downs????? This mama right here

One of Anna's new-to-us shirts, from the Oregon Zoo!

Aunt Natalie sent me this photo a few days ago. Its Benton in the clothes we gave him for Christmas. They are just a BIT small on him lol! We got them to him just in the nick of time! Silly guy!

On our anniversary, I took the kids out to Riverfront Park for a picnic. It really was to make up for Earth Day, because the weather had been crappy that day, but it was also kinda the anniversary treat for the kids lol. They loved it, even though it was a bit windy out. We ate quickly and fed the ducks too. We attempted to take a walk to the bridge, but it became too windy so we had to head back for the car. Regardless, the kids still had a wonderful time! I can't believe I forgot to post these lol!

It was gorgeous out, despite the wind!

Alan feeding the ducks and geese

Running kids!

Anna's "Duck Feeding Stance" lol

One thing I love about my new work schedule is being able to watch some of Alan's preschool swim class. He has always wanted me to watch him but with Miss Anna, it has been quite the task to be honest lol. She always wants to jump right in with everyone! :) Now though, I am off of my shift just in time to watch the last fifteen minutes of his class! Its the perfect amount of time for me, I can keep Anna entertained long enough to fully enjoy watching my little man learn to swim! I love it! Here are some photos from a recent class I watched!

I have to end this blog post with one of my favorite new outfit matches I aquired. My mom bought the jeggings for me and gave me the tan ballet slippers (she didn't like the way they fit her). I bought the tops at a recent Old Navy spring sale for only a few bucks. But I love these clothes! The jeggings and the shirt is so versatile! I can wear the shoes with a skirt of pants, even shorts! And I want to wear the jeggings to the dress rehearsal later this week. Love, love, love them!

Okay I am done now! Those who made it this far, thanks you!!!


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