Little Peter Cottontail, Hopping Down the Bunny Trail...

The kids and I have had quite the Easter filled week this past week. Alan's preschool had their Easter party and Easter egg hunt on Tuesday. And We paid Mister E.B. a visit on Wednesday. Easter is obviously this Sunday but we had to have some celebrating during the week too! Happy spring and hoppy Easter!

Alan's preschool class had their Easter party this Tuesday. As per usual, Miss Anna and I stayed for the beginning half of the party. They all started out making little Easter egg craft with chickens inside. Even Anna made one! Hers was mostly purple and pink, but it was cute! She enjoyed coloring and creating with her brother and his classmates. I bet she cannot wait to go to preschool herself! :) Oh how the second child always develops faster then the first! Silly children!

The kids, working on their crafts

After making their eggs, everyone sat down to listen to Miss Davis read an Easter bunny story. Anna obviously HAD to do what all the big kids were doing, especially when she noticed that Mama was taking a photo!

After the story, Anna and I left. It was naptime for her, she was just exhausted! Alan and his classmates went outside to the Y playground and had an Easter egg hunt! He found eighteen eggs total, full of yummy treats! After the egg hunt, he and his classmates enjoyed the delicious Easter snacks from his friends! It was a wonderful little Easter party! Alan had a great party! Thanks Miss Davis and Miss Brandi! You ladies are so fantastic!

Wednesday morning, we went to go visit the Easter bunny at the mall. Both kids were pretty weirded out about the big bunny lol, Anna wouldn't go near him without me holding her. Alan refused to talk to him all together. Silly kids! You will notice that neither kid is sitting on his lap. Anna even needed me to hold her for the picture lol! It was a matter of seconds after this that she started freaking out and had to get away from him. The photographer caught it perfectly lol!

I let the kiddos run around the playarea for a bit once we had visited E.B. For some odd reason, Alan got bored quickly. I had promised him a treat for sitting with the bunny for a photo. So I took them to Cinnabon for a bunny treat. We had a "Good Stuff" treat, basically all the gooey insides of a cinnamon roll. And they split an Oreo milkshake. I had most of Anna's lol, they were both so yummy!

Alan Bunny with his Easter treat!

Anna Bunny with her Easter treat!

We can't wait for Easter! What about you?


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