Sunday Morning Musings

I know, I like never write on the weekends! What has gotten into me??????? Well, for those of you who know me personally know that I only don't write most weekends, because that is my family time. It is the time where all four members of our family are available, so we spend as much time as possible together, doing fun things. I am usually too busy to post during the weekend, I just recap everything from the weekend that following Monday. In fact, the year I started this blog, that was one of my personal rules: No posting on weekends. But today, I woke up early before the children and I thought I would go online for a bit. Started checking my FB and then my blog and I decided, hey why not post today? If I have something to write, why shouldn't I write?

So here I am, typing up a post for today. It will mostly be filled with random thoughts and musings from the weekend. I still want to save my Dirty Dash post for Monday. :) But I have like a billion and two little things I have been wanting to share with you, plus I found another fun little survey to share. Enjoy your little Sunday reading! I'll start with the survey, I found it from one of my Top Baby Blog moms. Its a "currently" style survey, which I greatly enjoy, but this one is a little different from the last. I really like it!

Alan at the library earlier this week, making a wish at the wishing pool
Making: a great effort to find us a new place to move into

Cooking: nothing unfortunately, its too hot out to cook right now, even in the morning

Drinking: raspberry white tea, yummy!

Reading: Life in Motion by Misty Copeland and Doctor Sleep by Steven King and (do you want the WHOLE list lol?) Responding to Infants: the Infant Activity Manual by Inez D. Moyer and rereading Gymnastics Risk Management: Safety Course Handbook by USA Gymnastics

Wanting: my daughter to wake up so that we can start our day! :)

Looking: forward to the school year starting back up in a month

Playing: with the thought of cutting my hair really short after Natalie's wedding next weekend

Wasting: my time on the computer, I should be catching up on folding laundry before Anna is up

Wishing: that our family vacation started today instead of this upcoming Thursday

Enjoying: the bright sunlight shining in the window this morning and the peace that it brings

Waiting: to see that handsome nephew of mine!

Liking: this teacher's manual I found at work the other day, it has developmental activities for infants and toddlers!

Wondering: how we will manage a 10-12 hour road trip with two wild children, I have things planned but am still apprehensive about the whole idea!

Loving: my silly kids, even if one is still asleep and the other is driving me bananas because he can't wait for his sister to wake up

Hoping: that we will get this apartment I applied for

Marveling: at how obsessed some people are over the 50 Shades of Grey series and new movie… It belittles women hardcore yet they are the top readers! How?

Needing: to get off the computer now… lol!

Smelling: fresh fruit that I cut up for breakfast this morning. Yum!

Wearing: pajamas still! :P

Following: so many blogs that I need to catch up on

Noticing: how long this survey really is!

Knowing: that I have so much to do before we leave for Flathead Lake

Thinking: that I should have done more ballet as a child, I am obsessed with this book I am reading!

Feeling: a little tired still, I haven't been sleeping well lately

Bookmarking: some favorite spots in my Risk Management Handbook now that I am rereading through again

Opening: up a new chapter in our lives soon, with a new house and with school starting up. New house, new family, new me! :)

Giggling: at Alan's goofiness! Love my boy!

We went on our first family walk with Anna's new bike this weekend,
this was my lovely view for the whole walk. :)

We took the kids on our first family walk with Anna's new bike the other day. We only went around the block, but Miss Anna loved it! She doesn't keep her feet on the pedals the whole time still but is figuring it out. And Mister Alan needs a real bike with training wheels! He is almost too big for that tricycle my mom got him for his third birthday. He zips and speeds around on it, but has starting tipping it over a lot more. I cannot wait for his birthday, we are getting him a bike too. :) He will just love it! For right now, I have been borrowing Uncle Kalvin's old bike and walk around with him on it for the balance. I totally remember when my parents taught me how to first ride a bike, we used to go to Rose Park every summer evening and ride around the basketball court. Those are precious childhood memories for me, and I am just so excited to be going through that with our own children now! Love it!

Its official, Anna is a Diversity Dancer now! :D My mom and I signed her up for their creative movers class in the fall. Its every Tuesday morning for 45 minutes! I am pretty sure that she will just love it, she struggled with all the transitions of the gymnastics classes, I think she was just a bit young for them. We will start her up with gymnastics again when she is 3 years old but for now, I think that dance will be perfect for her! I get to stay during the class and we are only in one place for the whole 45 minutes! I seriously cannot wait for her to start! One more month!!!

Friday afternoon, we went to the library for some cool fun and new books. The kids and I hadn't been there in some time. It was nice to go back and check out new books for the whole family. The kids played in the play area, made wishes in the wishing pool and then we checked out our books. I picked out a ballet biography and the new Stephen King book (an adaptation sequel to the Shining, gah so excited to read it!). Alan picked out two Rugrats books and a Woodstock book, he loves his Peanuts Gang so much! Anna picked out a book about the jungle and a Stellaluna board book. I read Stellaluna so much as a child, I love that she chose that book as well. I also picked out some silly books to take with me to work for my daycare kiddos. We have a small book collection there, that the poor kids have read over and over and over lol, my personal job has been to bring them in new and interesting books to read! I think that they will enjoy the two I picked out for them. :) It was a lot of fun!


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