The Dirty Dash 2014 and the Cold Water Challenge

Disclaimer: Be prepared for a photo dump and a quiet week around the blog, this weekend is Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake's wedding day. We are preparing for the big trip all week long! I don't have too much time to sit on the computer, but I really wanted to get a post or two in before leaving. I will have so much MORE to write about when I get back lol, including a book review or two! So tune in next week as well, but enjoy the photos (and hopefully the video, if I can get it to load) from this post! And check out Dirty Dash when it comes to your town!

Someone's all ready for our family vacation!
So I have never done the Dirty Dash before, only Color me Rad. However, they are both put on by the same group of people and that group has been urging me to come volunteer at their other gig for some time now. Finally, this year I decided to help out. It was an absolute blast! I loved every second of it, its always good for the soul to get down and dirty and do some hard work. :) I will definitely be participating again next year!

One of my besties and I at the Dirty Dash

Our main job while the Dirty Dash was going down was selling water balloons and water bottles to fundraise for our BOLD/GOLD program at the YMCA. BOLD/GOLD is a program that gets preteens and teens out into the back country of Montana. They focus on connecting with the outdoors and learning how to backpack, fish, hike, etc. safely. I love this program, its very hands on and their classroom is always outside! We used to have a similar program at the Y when I was a kid, but it was called Trailblazers. I loved it then and I love that they are continuing the Montana traditions with BOLD/GOLD. They are awesome!

I also had to participate in the Cold Water Challenge at the Dirty Dash. The Cold Water Challenge is an online thing, started by the police department. You are required to dump 5 gallons of ice water on your head within 24 hours of being nominated or you donate $100 to a charity of your choice. Since my 24 hours would be up by the end of the Dirty Dash, I had to do it there. It was sooooooooo cold, brrr! Pretty sure it was more then 5 gallons for me, just saying. :P I screamed and flailed my limbs until all the water was out of the bucket, then I took off lol! I am glad to say that I won't have to worry about that again!


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