22 months old!

Instead of starting my American Camping Week out with a camping post, I will post today about Alan 22 month milestones. He now only has two more months until he's two! Wow!

Last Friday night, we went up to the new folf course in the heights (the one that Lon built the baskets for) for their Grand Opening and fourth of July celebration. Lon's friend Sean owns it, if you remember. :) Well the party was awesome! Our cousin Garrett was there and his band performed, it was great to hear them again! Sean also roasted a pig and was serving pig tacos lol! Then we folfed through the new course, and those baskets look great! They look professionally made! Wow, good job hubby! :D There was also professional drifters in the parking lot, which Alan thought was the coolest. I was nervous for the drivers the whole time lol, but I'm just a worry wort. :) Overall though, the party was good. I'm glad we took the time to go out there.

At 22 months, Alan can:

-Run, jump, kick, throw, climb stairs, and dance.

-Follow directions really well. If I tell him to do something, he will most of the time. And he does good with two step and three step directions. I think it really helped us taking him to art class because now he understands multiple step directions.

-Say or mimic just about any word you say. Before we left Canyon Ferry Lake, I had Alan saying all of his Great Aunts' and Uncles' and second cousins' names. They were so proud! And I am choosing to not try and remember ALL the billions of words Alan can say now, because its like 120+ words!

-Go pee on the potty all the time, when were at home. He wears big boy undies now! :D He still is struggling with pooping on the potty however, and will hold that in until he's in a diaper. Ugggh, gotta cut out those diapers soon! :P

-Identify all of his body parts. He even learned where his butt is, thanks to Aunt Natalie and Aunt April. Not sure how I feel about this lol.

-Count to ten, name all the colors of the rainbow, sing Happy Birthday, ABC, Itzy Bitzy Spider, and Little Bunny Foo Foo. He's pretty good at doing the hand signals for the last two as well. Its so cute to hear him sing them, but he gets shy around people and won't do it lol.

-Help pick up and put away toys. He loves to do it too lol! He will pick up randomly at work or at home, and its so funny!

-Climb into his car seat with supervision. And he's pretty good at putting his arms through and then snapping it, with help. Makes me proud!

-Turn the pages of a book, and will recognize if the book is being held upside down lol! This is cool, I just figured this one out!

-Loves to give his mom and dad and other loved ones hugs and kisses! And he also will hug girls in daycare if they are sad. So sweet!

Happy 22 months Alan! We love you so much!

Tune in tomorrow for Day One of Camping!! Good night everyone!


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