Day Two at Canyon Ferry Lake: July 3, 2011

Here's the second installment of my American Camping Week posts! Enjoy!


The morning started out nice and early with the heat.We woke up around nine (sleeping in a tent will do that to you lol) and as soon as Alan and I got outside, he ran to the lake and started throwing rocks again. Only Great Grandma Mary was awake, so we talked and watched Alan play. One by one everyone else woke up, until only Grandma Melanie and Uncle Kalvin were sleeping. Everyone was hungry so we sent Alan in the camper to wake them up. He proceeded to run back and forth, screaming their names lol. Woke them right up! :)

We had a quick breakfast of cantelope and grapes (Yum!) and then we set off hiking, this time into the hills. While walking through the hills, we found the coolest (kinda) house! Its really just the foundation, but when you get close you can see that there's a basement with cellar steps! We explored and figured out which way the front door was, etc. We had a blast!

Lon and I got back to camp just in time to Grandpa Kevin showing Alan his dirt bike! Grandpa Kevin and my siblings are avid riders, so I knew it was a matter of time before Alan got put on a dirt bike lol. :P But he was quite excited and interested by the whole thing, and we snapped picture after picture of him on it! Then he got down and checked out the wheels. He thought it was pretty cool how different they were from car wheels. Alan's so smart! :) By this time, it was lunch. We made sandwichs and had more fruit. Yum! Loving all this summer fruit!

Grandpa Kevin and Alan on Grandpa's dirtbike

I haven't mentioned the lake too much, for some reason lol. The lake is reeeeaaaally full right now, and the shore is up twice as high as it was last year. We have almost no shore! When we went swimming, Alan was not into the water at all. The three of us went out together, with Lon holding Alan, but all Alan did was fuss. We tried just setting him in the water to walk and he wouldn't let his feet touch the water lol! So we decided to just set him on the shore where the water could run on him, and he played for a half an hour there! We couldn't find his shovel and bucket, so we improvised with a plastic cup and camping spoon. He loved filling his cup up and dumping it out into the water, or filling it up half with water and half with rocks. It was a lot of fun for him!

Aunt April, Aunt Natalie, Mary, Lexi and Me at the Canyon Ferry Dam

The family was making a day trip to the Canyon Ferry Dam, and the surrounding marinas, so we changed and left. The drive was a nice 25 minute or so drive, and Alan passed right out. We passed by the house were my mom used to live in, and the church she went to, as well as the trailer they once stayed in near a ranch. It was awesome to see and hear her past, and hear how strong of a woman she is. I love her so much. :) Once we got to the bottom of the Dam, we got out to take pictures and explore some. There was A TON of water coming out the other side! It was like a huge waterfall! We tried to wake the napping Alan so he could see the coolness, but he wouldn't even stir. :) So we decided to drive over the Dam and head to the Yacht Basin Marina.

Aunt April, Alan and Daddy on the boat dock

By the time we got to the Yacht Basin Marina, Alan had awoken from his nap. He was excited to go out onto the dock and see all the sailboats and the fish under the docks. The wobbliness of the dock scared him at first, but he knew that he was safe with both Mom and Dad holding his hands. :) We even got the chance to watch a sail boat dock! He thought that was the coolest! Then we headed up in to the store so Grandma could buy some supplies. Alan and us hung out on the patio and looked out on the lake, he loved it. Then we got back in the car.

Family ice cream pic!

Next we stopped at Kim's Marina for ice cream and other treats. Grandma Melanie really wanted to buy Alan a real bucket and shovel for this trip so we set out to find one. Alan picked out a cute blue bucket with a yellow shovel but wouldn't give up a matching blue and yellow toy speed boat, so Grandma Melanie also got that for him. Plus Alan had an ice cream sandwich for the second time ever! And he loved it! :) We then left for camp, and Alan fell back asleep on the ride home. He was exhausted!

When we arrived at home, we took a break in our tent and waited for Alan to finish napping and wake up. We were planning on attempting to swim with him again once he awoke. While he rested, we watched some of Tron: Legacy on the portable DVD player and tried to keep cool in the heat. It must have been 120 degrees in that tent (that is an exaggeration lol, but that's how it felt)! Blaaaaaah! It was nice that Alan woke up pretty shortly after we went in there, so we could get in that cool water!

We attempted to take Alan out into the water again, and he fussed like before. So Lon dug out a little shallow water trench and set him in it to play with his bucket, shovel and boat. He loved that! His legs and butt were wet, so he was cool, but he wasn't freaked out because he was still close to shore. So he played and played while Lon and I cooled off in the water. It felt sooooooooooo nice!! Then Aunt April came out with us, and she tried taking Alan out into the water. At first I protested, but she got him out there with Lon and was dunking his hair into the water! And he was loving it! :D What?!?! She got him into it lol? Then Lon was being a dork and running around them, and Alan was laughing the whole time. It was fun.

After swimming, we had dinner and sat out by the campfire. Alan went to bed once the sun had gone down fully, and we all sat out by the campfire and looked at stars. I loved finding constellations! We found the Milky Way, the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper and Orian's Belt. Sooooo cool!

Mama and Alan by the campfire

Aunt Natalie, Aunt April and Alan by the campfire

I love camping! I don't want to go home tomorrow! :( Waaaaah, I wanna stay here FOREVER!!!


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