
Showing posts from December, 2011

Date Night with a Bestie and New Year's Eve!

Last night, Alan and I went out to dinner with my best friend Jenelle. I haven't seen her since my wedding reception (how did we go EIGHT months without seeing each other????) and had missed her so. We went to dinner at Mackenzie River Pizza, our local eatery, and it was a ton of fun! It was great to catch up and for Jenelle to see how big Alan has gotten. They sat and played cars together while we waited for our food. :) Jenelle is just estatic that I am pregnant again! She hopes that I have a girl this time around though lol, as does like half of my family. Oh well, we will be happy as long as Baby Andersen is healthy. :) I also just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful New Year's! We aren't doing anything but possibly stopping over my parent's house for dinner. But I am not even sure if this pregnant mama can stay up until midnight lol! Especially since last night was spent tossing and turning, as usual lol. But we are still pretty excited for the New Year. Ahhhh,...

The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 11

I know I said I would post this yesterday, but Wednesday night I was up all night sick. I didn't get a wink of sleep, and so my boss sent me home early yesterday morning. I was relieved, it gave me the chance to catch up on my sleep, tidy up my house some more (a hard thing for me to do, even this early along in the pregnancy. I hate feeling so weak!), and spend some time with Alan. I can't believe I am already eleven weeks along! It seems like just yesterday we found out, though in reality its been over a month! I haven't been in to see my doctor yet, have to get my insurance figured out first, which we have been trying to for about five weeks now. Ugh! We are hoping for next week to be the big doctor week! :) Via How far along:  11 weeks 5 days Size of Baby: a third of an ounce, size of walnut Total Weight Gain:  Haha, I think I am still ten pounds lighter than I was because of the morning sickness. :P Maternity Clothes:  Not yet lol. I am finding myse...

Christmas Day 2011

I am not at all feeling good today. Last night was spent with me tossing and turning all night, nauseous and all that fun stuff. Ugggggh I want it to already be night time, so I can crawl back into bed... Okay stop thinking about it lol, you're only gonna make yourself more miserable at work. :P Let's distract myself by writing about Christmas Day (Oh I think I have lost it officially, cos its not like I wasn't already planning on doing that today. Oh well). Christmas Day was magical for us and especially Alan. :) Lon and I woke up around eight and set up the Christmas tree with all of the presents and his stocking. Then we made a little bed on the floor for him to sleep on. I found a cute Christmas kids music channel on the tv, so we played that quietly in the background. We brought him out, still asleep, and hid in our bedroom until we heard his little voice. We waited for almost an hour before he woke up! :D But close to nine, we heard his little voice...

Christmas Eve 2011

No comments on yesterday's post???? You silly people! :P Well for those of you who didn't get it (and there were surprisingly a few of you who texted me about it lol), Lon and I are pregnant again! :) We just told our family this weekend, and what a happy surprise it was for them! Let me tell you about it. Christmas Eve morning started out like usual, only I was able to sleep in some! Yes! We had a small breakfast of waffles and eggs, before finishing up our last few Christmas cards. Then we had some running around to do, and some more Christmas preparations to do. We went to several friend's houses, Lon's parent's house and the post office. Alan fell asleep on the ride around town, so we took him home to nap. Gave us the time to wrap all of our Christmas presents lol. We are such procrastinators! Once Alan woke up, we tried to make plans to go to Grandma Melanie's house to make sugar cookies but her kitchen was starting to get occupied. Grandma Melanie need...

Count with me, 1, 2, 3...

Now that it is after Christmas, I can share my exciting news with you, my beloved readers. I am so excited! :) I was really trying to think of a cool way to tell you our big announcement. Since I am at a complete loss, I will steal this idea from my good friend Jill at The Real Life of a Red Head. :P Let's see who is the first to get it right! 1. June 10, 2007 2. September 5, 2009 3 . J u l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 2 Aha, does anyone know???? :D ...Guess not lol. :P I will post the answer tomorrow for those of you who aren't so clever. Comment on here if you have an idea!

Christmas Plans

Only three more days until Christmas! I am so excited to get together with my family and spend some quality time together, since we haven't had the chance to do that in so long! :) Our Christmas Eve plans are pretty simple this year. Lon and I both have all day off, so we will get the chance to sleep in! Yes! After a much needed rest, Alan and I will be heading over to my parent's house to help my siblings make Christmas cookies. Via Oh we go all out for Christmas cookies lol. It is a full on production for my family lol. Aunt Natalie and I do the cookie cutting (with help from Alan lol) and the baking. Aunt April is in charge of frosting the cookies. Uncle Kalvin and Alan get the important job of adding sprinkles and candy and decorating the the rest of the way. We normally make about 6 dozen cookies each year, and this year might be more around 8 dozen lol. I know I have 5 dozen just for myself and my family. :) I will have to post about how it goes, hopefully with pic...

Alan's Santa Claus Visit

My wonderful sister Natalie came back into town this last Friday for Christmas! Oh we have missed her so much, and are so happy to have her back with us, especially with the holidays coming up in six days!! We took the whole crazy family out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse that night. And boy, did we have fun and were we loud lmao! :) Made sure to tip the waitress alot afterwards. Yesterday, my sister convinced us to all dress up real nice and go see Santa for pictures. Lol I had originally planned on taking Alan, Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin myself but didn't plan on dressing up at all. But I love my sister and will do anything for her, so dressing up and making a fool of myself with Santa is nothing. :) We arrived at the busy mall expecting Santa's workshop to be somewhat busy, but what we saw was unbelievable. The line went all the way through the workshop and out to the coffee stand. Thankfully Alan's second cousin was there also, so we chatted with her and her mother t...

Preparing for the Santa Claus Visit

Every parent loves that time of year when it gets cold outside, pretty lights and decorations go up, and they are once again faced with the challenge of taking their tots to the busy mall in town to go see that big man in red. NOT! :) Well my son is not your average tot (No really lol?) and though he is afraid of Santa (and I mean deathly afraid, the only thing that scares him more is the Easter Bunny lol), he is actually SO scared of him that he will not cry in front of him. He never has, yet. But he's even told me before, "Mama, Santa scary. Boo!" I've worked hard with him this year though. This is his third Christmas he will be experiencing, and the last two times we saw Santa, Alan was so uneasy it was ridiculous. We'll just say that even though he didn't cry, I had to be in BOTH Santa pictures with him and I had to sit on Santa's lap with Alan on mine. Just so he would feel secure. Not exactly fun for this mama lol. :) So this year, we have been r...

Setting up the Christmas Tree with the Andersen Family: An Adventure in its own!

About a week ago, I was able to convince Lon to let us set up the Christmas tree. I say this, because normally our tree is up and our house is decorated by Black Friday lol. But this year, in all of our business, we were late on our decorating... And Christmas card making... And Christmas present shopping... And Christmas cookie making... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :D We had talked to Alan a lot about the tree, and how there would be "pretties" (Alan's name for anything pretty at Christmas lol) but he couldn't touch them after we put them up, but I was still anxious. You see, I bought all my ornaments the year I got pregnant with Alan, before I even knew I was. So the majority of my ornaments are glass, shatter-proof mind you, but glass none the less. They hold a lot of sentimental value for me, as that was Lon and I's first Christmas together. We decided to put the baby gate up around the tree and hoped that would be enough. And of course, it was but situa...

Happy holidays from the Andersen family!

I have been neglecting this blog for the past few months, but my family and I have gone through a lot in such a short time. Lon lost his job, I got a second job and Lon got another job. We have been very busy with life. I hope to start posting more on here, which is hard to do without an at home computer. But I will make do, so readers bear with me. I just wanted to take the time to wish everyone happy holidays and warm wishes. Christmas time is my favorite time of the year (which is odd since I am Buddhist lol) because of the love and happiness everyone shares with each other. I'm gonna leave you with a picture of Alan and I. We just cut his hair the other day lol so I had to get a picture of it. Of course, this picture is a little awkward. But that's what happens with toddlers lol!  Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!