Alan's Santa Claus Visit

My wonderful sister Natalie came back into town this last Friday for Christmas! Oh we have missed her so much, and are so happy to have her back with us, especially with the holidays coming up in six days!! We took the whole crazy family out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse that night. And boy, did we have fun and were we loud lmao! :) Made sure to tip the waitress alot afterwards.

Yesterday, my sister convinced us to all dress up real nice and go see Santa for pictures. Lol I had originally planned on taking Alan, Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin myself but didn't plan on dressing up at all. But I love my sister and will do anything for her, so dressing up and making a fool of myself with Santa is nothing. :)

We arrived at the busy mall expecting Santa's workshop to be somewhat busy, but what we saw was unbelievable. The line went all the way through the workshop and out to the coffee stand. Thankfully Alan's second cousin was there also, so we chatted with her and her mother to pass the time. Alan was super shy the whole time, until Santa came into sight. Once he saw a glimpse of the big man in red, he was jumping and shouting, "Santa!!! Its Santa!!! Mama!! Its Santa!!" even though we had about ten other children in front of us in line. Not gonna lie, I was a little embarassed. :)

The excited yelling continued until we got up to Santa, then Alan was once again silent and shy. However he didn't cry at all, even when I set him on Santa's lap. He smiled for the picture (with his tongue, of course lol, my son is never normal) and then reminded Santa what he wanted for Christmas. I was so proud of him and was so relieved that I didn't have to sit on Santa's lap again (I got to sit right next to him on the cushion). And the pictures turned out just precious! I mean look at it! :D

Only six more days til Christmas and I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not ready! Intitiate hair pulling now lol. :) Wish me luck!


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