Date Night with a Bestie and New Year's Eve!

Last night, Alan and I went out to dinner with my best friend Jenelle. I haven't seen her since my wedding reception (how did we go EIGHT months without seeing each other????) and had missed her so. We went to dinner at Mackenzie River Pizza, our local eatery, and it was a ton of fun! It was great to catch up and for Jenelle to see how big Alan has gotten. They sat and played cars together while we waited for our food. :) Jenelle is just estatic that I am pregnant again! She hopes that I have a girl this time around though lol, as does like half of my family. Oh well, we will be happy as long as Baby Andersen is healthy. :)

I also just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful New Year's! We aren't doing anything but possibly stopping over my parent's house for dinner. But I am not even sure if this pregnant mama can stay up until midnight lol! Especially since last night was spent tossing and turning, as usual lol. But we are still pretty excited for the New Year.

Ahhhh, this is my official last post of the year! See you all on Monday, please stay safe tonight! Happy New Year!


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