Christmas Eve 2011

No comments on yesterday's post???? You silly people! :P Well for those of you who didn't get it (and there were surprisingly a few of you who texted me about it lol), Lon and I are pregnant again! :) We just told our family this weekend, and what a happy surprise it was for them! Let me tell you about it.

Christmas Eve morning started out like usual, only I was able to sleep in some! Yes! We had a small breakfast of waffles and eggs, before finishing up our last few Christmas cards. Then we had some running around to do, and some more Christmas preparations to do. We went to several friend's houses, Lon's parent's house and the post office. Alan fell asleep on the ride around town, so we took him home to nap. Gave us the time to wrap all of our Christmas presents lol. We are such procrastinators!

Once Alan woke up, we tried to make plans to go to Grandma Melanie's house to make sugar cookies but her kitchen was starting to get occupied. Grandma Melanie needed to start Christmas Eve dinner lol. So we braved baking them in our tiny kitchen, and to be honest, it wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. We put Alan in his booster chair at the table and just passed cookies by him to decorate. He did end up eating like half of the decorations though lol. Ooops! :) In the end, the cookies turned out great.

Then it was time to head over to my parent's house for dinner. We had the perfect plan on how to tell everyone, we bought Alan a "Best Brother Ever" shirt and had him where it to the Christmas Eve party. Lon and I hid in the back while Aunt Natalie took off Alan's coat. We were so nervous lol! Then we heard them calling my name, so we went out. And this is how it went down lol-

My mom- Why is Alan wearing a brother shirt, Jillian?
Me (playing coy)- I dunno mom, why don't you ask him?
My mom- Is there something you want to tell us?
My Grandma Marcia- She's pregnant! Oh I just knew it!
My mom- Jillian? Lon? Is this true?
Me- Ask Alan!
Alan- Big brudder, big brudder!
Everyone else in the room- Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, my Grandma Carol started crying and kissed my belly. And my Grandma Marcia kept saying how she's known for so long (I love her, but she's crazy. We have done a great job of hiding it from everyone) and how she knows these things. My cousins were so happy, and couldn't wait to hear when my due date was. I have two cousin-in-laws that also just announced their pregnancies this week as well. There will be three pregnant women in our family, watch out lol! Baby Andersen #2 will be great grandchild number four on my father's side and great grandchild number three on my mom's side. We are so excited! Here is the only pic where you can see Alan's shirt, and you can only barely read it lol.

Dinner was pretty calm after that. We had ham with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, a noodle salad my mom made, rolls, and endless veggies. Delicious dinner I'd have to say! Then we had pumpkin or apple pie for dessert, with monster cookies and ice cream. Yum! Then we opened a few of our Christmas presents. Alan got some cute clothes, and Christmas pajamas, along with a couple toys from his aunts and uncle. Lon and I got giftcards lol, just what we wanted and needed. :) Then after more talking and enjoying of each other's time together, we headed home for the night. Alan was so beat from his big day, that he passed out before we could get his Christmas pajamas on! What a big day for him.

Tune in tomorrow for my Christmas Day post, and Thursday for the start of my Pregnancy Week by Week Post. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas with their loved ones! I know we did!


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