Top Twelve Posts of 2012

I did this last year and really enjoyed it, so I figured that I would do this again this year in place of December's Month in Review post. Its like a Year in Review post lol. Sound good? Here we go!!! #10 Nature v.s. Nuture: Which One Do You Believe? I enjoyed writting this post. It is a very interesting topic I had a great time researching and exploring each different philosophy. And then forming my own opinion. I hope others also enjoyed it! #9 Our Baby Girl's Name This post is also very dear to my heart. We thought long and hard about a boy name but when we found out she was going to be a girl, I was at a lost. How sweet of Lon to think up her PERFECT name all by himself! Melts my heart so. Just another way he's shown us how much he loves her. #8 One Year Ago... We celebrated our one year anniversary this year. That was very special to me, because I was also expecting Anna at the time. We did not do too much for it but we spent it togther and that is th...