Anna Ariel: Five Months Old

Once again, I am late on this post. We cannot currently afford internet at our house, so it has been considerably hard trying to update this blog. I am doing my best to though. :) Anna is growing up so much, it amazes me all the new things she learns each day. She is so smart already! And so determined. Oh, we are so lucky to have her in our life!

At five months, Anna Ariel:

*Weighs 12 pounds and 7 ounces and is 26 inches long.

*Has light grayish blue eyes and red hair. Her long hair goes past her shoulder in the back and on the top right now. But she has an Elle Goulding type hair style with her hair off the sides. Can you see the similarity? I can!

*Eats solid foods now. She has tried rice, oatmeal and mixed grain cereal. Daddy also slipped her a gingerbread man the other day.

*Can almost army crawl by herself. She wants to crawl for real SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly, I bet she will be by next month. She is so determined.

*Can almost sit up by herself. She loves being propped up so that she can feel like a big girl.

*Is a growler. She only communicates by growling now. Lon and I joke that she thinks she is a monster because she is always growling at me to talk.

*Loves to watch her brother, her dad, even her mother. She loves to just sit and watch us do our daily things, I like to think that she is learning to do her daily things.

*Wants to do everything her brother does. I thought the "Monkey See, Monkey Do" stage did not start for at least another year! What a crazy girl!

*Hates to be in her car seat or her swing still. She does love her bouncer and her Moby Wrap though. Completely different from her brother, who loved the swing and hated the Moby Wrap too.

*Loves to communicate with other babies! She will sit and talk with them for forever! I took her over to Alan's friend Teagan's the other week and she sat with Baby Harper and talked the whole time! They are such good buddies.

*Is amused by everything. She is such a happy baby. I just love it.

Happy late birth anniversary Anna. I cannot believe you are already five months old! Only seven more months until you are a year old.


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