Sesame Street Live

Let me just start this post by saying that I am SO VERY HAPPY that PBS and Sesame Street did not get cancelled! I love Sesame Street and PBS for that matter! Lol Sunday we went to Sesame Street Live at the Metra. Grandma, Uncle Kalvin, Anna, Alan and I had really nice seats, only three rows away from the stage! Alan sat right on the end where he could touch everyone's hands. He got to high five just about every character! It was so cool!

The theme of the show was superheroes and staying healthy. Super Grover (my personal favorite character lol) had lost his super powers and needed help finding them. The sung such classics like "Splish Splash" and even featured the Letter K! Together with the help of The Fantastic Five featuring Elmo, Zoe, Rocko Abby CaDabby and Telly, they learned how to be healthy.

Alan learned how to eat right, sleep enough in the night, exercise the right way and stay clean. He loved dancing and singing along with the characters. I was so glad that he got to go!

Here are some more pictures from the show:

We had a blast! The last time we went to Seasame Street Live Alan was only three months old. He enjoyed it so much more this time around, I think lol! Anna even enjoyed it this time too! We cannot wait until they come back again!


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