The Festival of Trees and Christmas Lights

I know, I know, I know, its only the third of December and we are already fully into the Christmas spirit? At least I waited longer than most people and stores lol! This weekend was quite Christmasy for us, I loved every minute of it!

Saturday was the Festival of Trees. Its an event in our town where businesses decorate Christmas trees in specific themes to auction off. My sister's dance studio usually preforms as well and there are always fun games for the kids. The kids went with Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin and cousin Morgan to watch Aunt April perform while I worked. The boys got to look at all the cool trees, make Christmas cookies, meet Santa and play some games with Grandma. Then I met up with them afterwards to watch the rest of the dance performance. I did not get to do too much but I know that Alan had a blast. He later told me that his favorite tree was the Fireman tree (not sure I saw that one lol) and that he thinks we should buy it and bring it home. I told him that we already had our 2D tree and he said, "Maybe we can trade them for it Mama?"

I love that boy. 

My mom was able to get some cute pictures of him behind those special face backgrounds. You know the ones you put your face in for a picture? Yeah those lol. For some reason, Alan chose to be Mrs. Claus rather than Mr. Claus, which I found a little amusing. Beware, they are very blurry lol. My mom is not the greatest photographer but we still love her!

Silly boy!
At least he's a snowman now!
It was also the first day of Lon's Christmas present. I am doing a cheesy 25 Days of Love thing for him this year (I will have to post more in depth about it later) and the first "thing" was going on a family date to see Christmas lights. At first Lon thought it was a little silly (he can be somewhat of a grinch compared to my Christmas insanity lol) but in the end he loved it! So we waited until it got dark, ate our dinner of pulled pork and macaroni, then piled in the car with some hot chocolate and cookies for some light seeing! We visited Candy Cane Lane which is right by Grandma Amber's house, and Christmas Town Lane way out by where we used to live when Alan was a baby. Finally we went to Family Fuller Medicine for their lighted show with music! That was Alan's favorite by far! Lon sat in the back with the kids and I chauffeured them around. We had a wonderful time together even though Lon was not sure about it at first. And once I had put both kids down for the night, I was able to get some last minute Christmas shopping done. We are making almost all of our presents this year except for Alan and Anna's gifts. So I was able to finish their gifts and get their stocking stuffers too.

A very eventful weekend! Now I just need to take our Christmas pictures, make our Christmas cards, wrap our gifts, mail out Aunt Natalie's gift, make sugar cookies and go see Santa! Phew, this Christmas stuff is pretty busy but I would not have it any other way! I love Christmas!


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