200th post!! And preparing for a snowy adventure!

Short and sweet post today, I don't have too much to talk about. Except... This is my 200th post! Hooray! Its been quite a journey since I started this blog in October 2010. Back then Alan was only 13 months old, Lon and I were only married by common law, and things were quite different.

Alan in October 2010

Alan is now almost 2 and a half years old, Lon and I are close to celebrating our one year anniversary of marriage in April, and I am, of course, expecting again. Wow! Almost a year and a half of blogging already and I hope for even more fun-filled years of it!

Alan in December 2011

 I seriously love blogging and love to share my family's life happenings online. It makes it so that my family members who live out of town or even out of state can still be involved in Alan's and Baby's lives. Makes me so happy! :) Thank you readers for experiencing it all with me! You are the best! :)

We are still hoping to go sledding today with Kelsie and Kelton, but as of current the weather is not permitting. I have a double digit limit on my kiddo (he doesn't go out at all if its in the singles or lower) and its 0 outside right now! The forecast for today says it should be at least 16 degrees by noon, but that's less than an hour away. :( Poo! We are still staying hopeful and keeping a close eye on that thermostat because as soon as its warm enough, we are going, even if it is only for a half an hour! Lol I am determined to get Alan out playing in the snow and sledding by this winter! :)

Tune in next week to see my much awaited sledding post! If we don't go today, we will go tomorrow or Sunday. Like I said, I am DETERMINED lol. :P


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