The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 14
Goodbye first trimester, helloooooo second trimester! Whoop whoop! :D I am excited because this week I am actually starting to show! Everyone at work has been noticing and asking lol, if they already don't know. Its exciting because now when I tell people I am pregnant, they don't just stare blankly at my stomach and go "Uh-huh" lol. Hello people, you can actually be pregnant for a while without showing! Lol! :P
It started snowing hard last night! Woke me up several times from the harsh wind blowing our old house around. And driving to work this morning was more of a dangerous adventure than I wanted it to be. Ugggh I am so glad that I won't have to do that again for... another six hours lol. Let's hope the snow slows down a little! Its seriously like blizzarding out there! At least there will be snow for sure tomorrow for Alan and I's sledding adventure! :)
Here's my Week 14 post! Enjoy!

Size of Baby: 4 inches long and 2 1/2 ounces or the size of a lemon
Developments of Baby: Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck their little thumb! Baby's arms are growing now to be porportional to the rest of the body. There is a very fine layer of hair, called laungo, developing all over Baby's body. Baby's liver is starting to produce bile and the spleen is helping with production of red blood cells.
Total Weight Gain: Still only a pound, but I am starting to gain weight and that is what matters! :)
Maternity Clothes: Not quite yet, but I do have a couple shirts that are too short on my belly already! Lol, I have to wear a coat or a sweater with those. :P
Stretch Marks: No stretch marks from this pregnancy! I am too diligent!
Gender: Doctor said my 20 week ultrasound we will know! So only six more weeks!
Movement: Only three more weeks until I can feel movement, but Baby is moving like crazy now. Still just too tiny to feel. :)
Sleep: Sleep is still very difficult for me. I fall asleep around eight and sleep til three or four in the morning. Then it is tossing and turning all night. Blah it makes me exhausted in the daytime, so we have started taking afternoon naps again. Lon, Alan and I all together in our bed lol. So nice!
What I miss: Being able to eat fish! I hate seafood so that's not a huge deal, but I do love fish! I really wanted to order salmon Sunday when we went out to dinner, but I was reminded by my husband and mother that I had to wait until after Baby came out. Punks... Boo I want some salmon! :(
Food Cravings: Obviously salmon lol, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, pizza, Laffy Taffy, Cool Ranch Doritios, Starburst, Skittles, Snickers, chocolate, tator tots, chai tea, milkshakes, and definitely lasanga lol!
Food Aversions: Eggs! It was the same last time around, but I can't stand eggs. Specifically raw or hard boiled eggs. Its the smell, it makes me want to die lol. Nothing else so far though!
Symptoms: Morning sickness, feeling weak or light-headed, slight round ligament pain, all around exhaustion, the need to pee ALL the time lol, out of breath easily, food aversions and nausea, odd dreams, heightened sense of smell, overly emotional at times (gotta love pregnancy hormones!)
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling baby kick for the first time!
I am surprisingly enjoying this pregnancy, despite the constant morning sickness I am still experiencing. Not to say that I didn't enjoy Alan's pregnancy, I did but there was a lot more fear of the unknown since I was a first time mother. This time around, I know what to expect and I am finding myself enjoying this a lot more. I have been also meditating more with this pregnancy, with Alan's I only meditated during the last month and through labor. I enjoy taking this journey with Baby and can't wait to meet him/her for real!
Working out is also easier on me this time around. With Alan, I had to walk outdoors to workout, and sometimes the weather wasn't so great. But now I have my membership at the YMCA, which makes it so much easier on me! I walk for a half hour on the treadmill or track, and then take fifteen minutes to do light weight lifting. Its nice too that Alan gets that 45 minutes of daycare time without Mama (something that doesn't happen ever normally because Mama works there lol). He likes to play with his friends and the other teachers, and is getting used to not always needing to be with us. Which is good for when he goes to preschool next fall.
I have officially had over 13,000 page views! Thank you so much to all of my wonderful readers! I am also two posts away from doing my 200th post. So very exciting. :)
Tune in Friday to hear how our sledding adventure went!
It started snowing hard last night! Woke me up several times from the harsh wind blowing our old house around. And driving to work this morning was more of a dangerous adventure than I wanted it to be. Ugggh I am so glad that I won't have to do that again for... another six hours lol. Let's hope the snow slows down a little! Its seriously like blizzarding out there! At least there will be snow for sure tomorrow for Alan and I's sledding adventure! :)
Here's my Week 14 post! Enjoy!
How far along: 14 weeks 3 days
Size of Baby: 4 inches long and 2 1/2 ounces or the size of a lemon
Developments of Baby: Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck their little thumb! Baby's arms are growing now to be porportional to the rest of the body. There is a very fine layer of hair, called laungo, developing all over Baby's body. Baby's liver is starting to produce bile and the spleen is helping with production of red blood cells.
Total Weight Gain: Still only a pound, but I am starting to gain weight and that is what matters! :)
Maternity Clothes: Not quite yet, but I do have a couple shirts that are too short on my belly already! Lol, I have to wear a coat or a sweater with those. :P
Stretch Marks: No stretch marks from this pregnancy! I am too diligent!
Gender: Doctor said my 20 week ultrasound we will know! So only six more weeks!
Movement: Only three more weeks until I can feel movement, but Baby is moving like crazy now. Still just too tiny to feel. :)
Sleep: Sleep is still very difficult for me. I fall asleep around eight and sleep til three or four in the morning. Then it is tossing and turning all night. Blah it makes me exhausted in the daytime, so we have started taking afternoon naps again. Lon, Alan and I all together in our bed lol. So nice!
What I miss: Being able to eat fish! I hate seafood so that's not a huge deal, but I do love fish! I really wanted to order salmon Sunday when we went out to dinner, but I was reminded by my husband and mother that I had to wait until after Baby came out. Punks... Boo I want some salmon! :(
Food Cravings: Obviously salmon lol, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, pizza, Laffy Taffy, Cool Ranch Doritios, Starburst, Skittles, Snickers, chocolate, tator tots, chai tea, milkshakes, and definitely lasanga lol!
Food Aversions: Eggs! It was the same last time around, but I can't stand eggs. Specifically raw or hard boiled eggs. Its the smell, it makes me want to die lol. Nothing else so far though!
Symptoms: Morning sickness, feeling weak or light-headed, slight round ligament pain, all around exhaustion, the need to pee ALL the time lol, out of breath easily, food aversions and nausea, odd dreams, heightened sense of smell, overly emotional at times (gotta love pregnancy hormones!)
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling baby kick for the first time!
I am surprisingly enjoying this pregnancy, despite the constant morning sickness I am still experiencing. Not to say that I didn't enjoy Alan's pregnancy, I did but there was a lot more fear of the unknown since I was a first time mother. This time around, I know what to expect and I am finding myself enjoying this a lot more. I have been also meditating more with this pregnancy, with Alan's I only meditated during the last month and through labor. I enjoy taking this journey with Baby and can't wait to meet him/her for real!
Working out is also easier on me this time around. With Alan, I had to walk outdoors to workout, and sometimes the weather wasn't so great. But now I have my membership at the YMCA, which makes it so much easier on me! I walk for a half hour on the treadmill or track, and then take fifteen minutes to do light weight lifting. Its nice too that Alan gets that 45 minutes of daycare time without Mama (something that doesn't happen ever normally because Mama works there lol). He likes to play with his friends and the other teachers, and is getting used to not always needing to be with us. Which is good for when he goes to preschool next fall.
14 weeks 4 days along, in my work clothes so its not as obvious. :)
I have officially had over 13,000 page views! Thank you so much to all of my wonderful readers! I am also two posts away from doing my 200th post. So very exciting. :)
Tune in Friday to hear how our sledding adventure went!
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