Our Adventure on the Rims, through photos

Yesterday I only worked until noon and it was a gorgeous 60 degree day out (in MT, in January???? Hmmm lol), so Lon and I met up with my friend Kelsie and her son Kelton for a little adventure on the Rims. It was bright and sunny out when we showed up, and the wind had just kicked up a bit. But the boys were excited and took off right away lol. :)

We went up and around a few of the trails and explored some trees and logs. Kelton was a brave man and climbed right over a log lol, but Alan was a bit more cautious. :) They also played catch and football with pine cones lol, that cracked us up!

We saw a rabbit and a handful of dogs with their owners, which Alan loved. He is a big animal lover, and I know he enjoys playing with dogs. We need to get him and baby one after baby comes. :) Kelton and Alan are great buds, but they wouldn't stay together too well lol. This is the only picture we have of them close to each other really lol. I think Alan was trying to get him to hold his hand.

Lon was really into making me nervous too lol. Whenever we got close to the edge, he would pick Alan up and get REALLY close to the edge. Ahhhh made my blood pressure would rise each time lol! But they were just fine.

We found some cool stuff out on the trails too. Alan and Kelton discovered a broken down car that Alan was really into. And we found a wooden track for moutain bikes to ride on, all woven around the cliffs and trees. Pretty cool! Alan also really liked the "beach" sand all over. Perfect place to draw pictures with your fingers!

We had a wonderful time exploring with Kelsie and Kelton! I hope we can do it again sometime! Stay nice in January, Montana! :P


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