
Showing posts from November, 2013

Our Thanksgiving Weekend Thus Far

Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and/or a great first day of Hanukkah? We did, that's for sure! Oh, our families are all so good to us, they love us no matter what. I get so sentimental around the holidays (or maybe I am all the time lol) and I remember all my fond memories with my family members. We are so lucky to have such a great group of people who love my children and surround us with security, happiness, hope and love. They help us with so much and we are endlessly grateful for them! Love you guys! We started out our Thanksgiving morning with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on the tv. We had toasted bagels with strawberry cream cheese and cereal for breakfast. Alan and Anna both enjoyed watching the parade. Alan really liked the Power Rangers, Finn and Jake, the Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles and Spongebob. He was also quite excited to see Santa at the end. Anna enjoyed watching all the marching band performances with the dance teams, the Mad Hatter dance gro...

Happy Thanksgiving from the Andersen Family!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Gobble, gobble says Alan's little turkey! For Thanksgiving this year, we plan on going over to Grandma Amber's house for a Thanksgiving lunch. We hope to also stop by Great Aunt Marnie's house to see Great Grandma Marcia and cousin James! Then we will be headed up to Great Aunt Carolyn's again for Thanksgiving dinner. It should be a beautiful, amazing day of love, family and thanksgiving! I hope everyone is also prepared to have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for! I know that we as a family sure do! I am so very thankful for my awesome family! We are truly the Fab Four, always together no matter the weather! I love my husband so much! He has been working his butt off at work and recently got a promotion! Great job Lon, we are so proud of you! Both of my children are so wonderful too. I am so thankful to have such loving, smart, silly children! Alan is such a little smartie, he is always asking qu...

Some Things

I have been neglecting this blog bad this month, and I have no real excuses for why I haven't been posting.  :/ Sorry! I have been quite busy at work, I guess, we finally got a new boss at the daycare. She has a lot of big plans for the activity scheduling and for me, I am very excited to work with her! I was also sick this weekend, everyone else had it the week before. Everyone but Mister Alan of course, I don't think that boy ever gets sick. He's lucky! :) Yuck, I hate being sick and usually am only once a year myself. But it always stinks! I am glad that today I am finally starting to feel normal again. Anna and I have officially started our weekly Mama and Daughter dates while Alan is in preschool on Thursdays. We usually just go play in the YMCA Open Gym for an hour, but she just loves it! I enjoy spending time focusing on just her too, it is quite special to us both. I love that I get to spend individual time with both of my children! That way, both Alan and Anna h...

Cousin James First Birthday

Man, I haven't posted something in so darn long! I have been so busy now that we have the car back. We had to take it back in again to get the alignment re-checked. Alan broke his glasses at school again, so I had to go to the eye doctor to replace them. Uncle Kalvin has been sick off and on lately, we have had to avoid the house to make sure we didn't catch what he has. Then it snowed today, and got really icy out. Especially on this one hill in town, there were several cars banked on the side of the road and when we drove past, I figured out why. We hit the darn patch of ice and slid right into the curb too! :/ No one was hurt and we had someone help us move out right away. So thankful for them! We also had cousin James' first birthday party this past weekend. He has gotten so big since we had last seen him, walking and talking everywhere. He is just like Anna, they are good buds lol. We had a great time! They had just moved into their first own house, we are qu...

Snow, Veteran's Day, and Healing

It is snowing again! Alan loves it, although I think he's a little confused lol. He can't decide if today is Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas because of the snow! I told him I hope it isn't either of the last two, we so aren't prepared for Thanksgiving or Christmas here yet! Ah, I get panicky thinking about how we will do Christmas this year... Still trying to figure everything out. :) It is so beautiful out, but I do have to admit that it does make me very anxious because the last time it snowed here and we wrecked the car on the way to the ER. As long as we drive real slow and don't go out much (except to play in the snow lol), we will be good! After all, I've been a Montanan all me life, a little snow never scared or hurt anyone who knew what they were doing. ;) Oh! And speaking of which, we did get our car back on Friday. Just had to replace the wheel and the tires and repair the alignment some. Yay, I am so happy to have my little car back again! Hap...

Anna Ariel: 16 Months Old

I missed it yesterday, but our beautiful little girl turned 16 months old. She has been growing like a little weed this month and has had so many milestones. We are so proud of her!   She have gone through so much this past month, she has been such a strong little fighter the whole time! It is also Montana's 124th birthday today! 124 years ago, our great state became an official state! Yay! We love you too Montana! Happy birthday! At 16 months, Anna Ariel: *Is 22 pounds and 8 ounces and is 32 inches long. She gained two pounds in one month, you go girl! Doctor Yontz will be so proud of you! *Is officially in size 18M only for shirts, pants and skirts. She is still in size 3 for diapers though, although there may be a change next month. :) *Has auburn colored hair, just like her mama. :) She has some red streaks that run through the top layer of hair, but its mostly all auburn now. Her eyes look more like her daddy's now though, a hazel color with some blue in it too. S...

Photos From my Phone

I just haven't been in the mood to post much this week. I am sorry, I think I may be getting sick again and with all of the stress from Anna's stitches and fixing our car have just left me overall stressed and exhausted. But I am forcing myself to post today. I need to update everyone on our weekend and weekly happenings because despite having a vehicle in the shop, we have done quite a lot this week. We had a birthday party (our last one until cousin James' in a few weeks, yes!) and played out in the leaves, Anna had her stitches partially removed and Alan got his school pictures back. Quite a bit of things! :) Here are some photos from my phone for this week: Miss Anna is now fitting into all of Alan's old clothes, I am just loving it! For some weird reason, I didn't start saving Alan's clothes for our next child until he was 18 months old. With Anna, I started a little earlier, at 12 months, but I don't know why I don't save any darn baby clothes...