Cousin James First Birthday

Man, I haven't posted something in so darn long! I have been so busy now that we have the car back. We had to take it back in again to get the alignment re-checked. Alan broke his glasses at school again, so I had to go to the eye doctor to replace them. Uncle Kalvin has been sick off and on lately, we have had to avoid the house to make sure we didn't catch what he has. Then it snowed today, and got really icy out. Especially on this one hill in town, there were several cars banked on the side of the road and when we drove past, I figured out why. We hit the darn patch of ice and slid right into the curb too! :/ No one was hurt and we had someone help us move out right away. So thankful for them!

We also had cousin James' first birthday party this past weekend. He has gotten so big since we had last seen him, walking and talking everywhere. He is just like Anna, they are good buds lol. We had a great time!

They had just moved into their first own house, we are quite happy for them! We brought them some towels as a house warming gift because well, you can never have enough towels lol! I love their little house! Maddie decorated it and painted the walls so nicely! She is so creative, most of the walls are striped! You've got talent, girl! :) I also want to give my cousin Blake the Cousin of the Year Award for playing with my kids at his own kid's party! I caught them all sitting together while James was eating cake, opening all the kid toys and playing with Alan and Anna. Thanks guy! You are so awesome!

Miss Anna was everywhere, chasing James and the other kids, exploring the house, trying to sneak outside. She is a wild one! This was the only good pic I could get of her! She is growing so much still and her bite is almost fully healed. The Steri Strips are still on there, they should fall off in the next few days. She is also working on her two front teeth at once! She will be our little mouse girl with only the four middle teeth lol. And she can sing "All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" lol! Yes!

I made several attempts to get a photo of all three cousins together, it did NOT happen lol. Here are my four attempts, Anna isn't in 3 of them. But Alan has one good shot lol! Oh I hope Maddie's camera was faster! Silly kids!

What did you do this weekend?


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