Happy Thanksgiving from the Andersen Family!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Gobble, gobble says Alan's little turkey!

For Thanksgiving this year, we plan on going over to Grandma Amber's house for a Thanksgiving lunch. We hope to also stop by Great Aunt Marnie's house to see Great Grandma Marcia and cousin James! Then we will be headed up to Great Aunt Carolyn's again for Thanksgiving dinner. It should be a beautiful, amazing day of love, family and thanksgiving! I hope everyone is also prepared to have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for! I know that we as a family sure do!

I am so very thankful for my awesome family! We are truly the Fab Four, always together no matter the weather! I love my husband so much! He has been working his butt off at work and recently got a promotion! Great job Lon, we are so proud of you! Both of my children are so wonderful too. I am so thankful to have such loving, smart, silly children! Alan is such a little smartie, he is always asking questions, loves preschool, and recently started also using the learning website abcmouse.com as well. He just wants to learn everything he can! As for Miss Anna, she is just as amazing! Our little girl has grown up so much lately, she is so close to just talking, probably in full sentences too! Grandma Melanie and her were reading a book recently when she surprised us with her newest word, "Penguin!"She yelled it at Grandma Melanie and we all just couldn't believe it! She is so smart! Miss Anna really loves to dance too, just like her Mommy and Aunt April. She is a great little dancer too, knows how to spin around and wave her arms, even can clap while she dances! :) I can't wait to watch these two grow up to become even more amazing people! Lon and I are so blessed to have them both in our lives!

Both of my children at their birthday parties this year

I am also thankful for my sister Natalie and her adorable little family. I love you guys, you gave us our first nephew! Benton is such a sweetheart, he is the perfect nephew in my opinion! We were so lucky to get to babysit Benton today before everyone left to Townsend. I enjoyed every minute with him! Alan spoke with him some, he really likes Benton lol. Can't wait until he is old enough to play. Anna was confused why Mom had another baby in her arms/lap and a little jealous. But she did talk about him a lot, and to him quite a bit as well lol. She also tired to sit on him though, which scared him, and then was petting him "nicely" like we've been really working on with her, but it also made him fuss. Oh young baby cousin rivalry, you kill me! Its all too cute! I love them both! Aunt Natalie, Uncle Jake and Benton: I love you three so very much. You are all so amazing! Thank you for being in our lives, you make them even better each and every day! 

I am thankful for the rest of my family too! My parents, Aunt April, Uncle Kalvin, Lon's parents, Uncle Cameron, Uncle Tyler, Aunt Sam, Uncle Aaron, Aunt Nikki, Uncle Chase and Aunt Ariel. You are all so good to this family. I don't know where we would have been this year without you guys. Thank you for everything you have done for this family and for anything that you will do for us in the future. You are all so wonderful! We love you! Thank you to all of my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and all of my awesome cousins! I really cannot wait to see some of you later today and to those who I won't be seeing today, we miss you all and love you. You are all such great people, I grew up loving you and now my whole family can love you too. Thank you for including us in your Thanksgiving festivities!


I am thankful for my friends, I have seriously feel like I have the best friends ever! They bring me up when I am down, celebrate the good parts of our life with us, help us through the hard times, know all of our secrets, and are more like family then friends. We are so blessed! Thank you to all of my good friends, you all know who you are! We love you all!

I am thankful for my WTE mamas! They have been a big part of my life since before Alan was born. I have developed some very close, personal relationships with some of these gals. We truly are like sisters! They have also been with me through the long and hard nights, celebrated the small parental successes of life, helped me through the confusion, and laughed with me through the weird, funny parts of parenting. You guys are some AWESOME support! Thank you all, I am so blessed to have you in our lives! I hope we are friends for years to come and we get to share in our children growing up! Love you ladies!

I am thankful to have a great job where I can share my passion with students. I love teaching dance and gymnastics again. And to do it at the Billings Family YMCA, is so amazing. I can help out the community and give back on a regular basis with my work. I have always been about helping those in need and giving back to your community, it is just so cool that I can do it through my work. I have made wonderful, lifelong friends with other staff members at the YMCA and even the volunteers too. Plus, it is a great place for my children to go to, and to benefit from in so many different ways. Alan uses the Child Watch daycare, he goes to preschool at the Y, he takes swim lessons there and he also goes to hip hop dance class. Anna uses the Child Watch daycare as well, and plays at the YMCA Open Gym too. I will probably always work at the YMCA because it is not only my job, it is a part of my family now.

I am thankful that my husband has a job too. Like I mentioned above, he recently was promoted to manager at the Village Inn. We are so proud of him! He works so hard every single day, he only has Thanksgiving off this week. He will be back to work for Black Friday, one of their busiest days of the year! Everyone sure does love my hubby's pizza pie after a loooong day of shopping! Good job Lon!

I am thankful to have a working car. There have been many times that my family has not had a working car, we definitely understand the immense worth of one! My family and I have walked all over town before, it is a lot of work to say the least. I think that a lot of people do not realize how lucky they are to have a car, but it definitely is a luxury that we as a family appreciate! Cars are like gold in our books! With that being said, I am also thankful for this ability to be aware of how important cars are. And the ability to be able to walk those long distances we had to walk before, and making it through them. 

I am thankful for those who are not with their families today to celebrate, those that are serving the people. I am talking about those in the military, those who are police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, doctors and nurses. If you are not able to be with your family today because you are out helping others, THANK YOU!!! You truly are the most amazing and deserve to be applauded. Bless you for taking care of others on a day to be with your own loved ones.

I am thankful for this blog! And you readers, you are all so wonderful! Thank you for reading about my little family and for supporting this blog! Happy Thanksgiving!


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