Showcase Week for Mister Alan

Today is a somewhat stressful day for my family and I. Miss Anna has to get her stitches out at the hospital, her doctor said that it would probably be as hard and as traumatizing for her as when they were put in. He was just trying to prepare me but I think he made me more apprehensive about the whole ordeal then I was in the first place. It will just be Anna and I. Lon has work and cannot get it off. At least Alan will be in preschool, so he will not have to witness it. I am just nervous about how much I will be able to help and handle it all. Prayers and good thoughts please! We need to be uplifted with positive energy today most of all! Especially Miss Anna, who doesn't understand any of this. I will update how everything went tomorrow or Thursday.

Alan had two separate showcases last week, they were kind of overshadowed by Anna's injury though. However, I want to take the time to share now with you since he did so great at both of them! We are so proud of how far he has come in both gymnastics and hip hop this year!

Alan had his gymnastics showcase last Monday afternoon. He had missed a few classes beforehand, due to everything my family has gone through this past month. He had made up one of the missed classes by his showcase though, and since I teach his age group for gymnastics at the YMCA, I have been working at home with him too. I think he was pretty well caught up. They focused on several skills in the showcase: their tada pose (prep for gymnastics end stance), the forward roll, the front cast on a single bar and the monkey jump. I only was able to film the monkey jump and the front cast but I got a good shot of his tada pose. I can't figure out how to get the videos to upload onto here from my phone either, ugh I stink at technology! He is such a little gymnastics stud though lol! I cannot wait until he is on the boy's team!

Wednesday night was also Alan's first hip hop showcase, the Thriller performance. I was a bit anxious about this one specifically, because it is my own hip hop class and I wanted it to be perfect. Since it was the night before Halloween, I allowed them to wear their Halloween costumes to perform in and we had a Healthy Halloween reception following. I made monster mouths for the reception, I found the idea on Pinterest and made it just a little bit more healthier! ;) I will do a post about them later this week, but then I better be done with Halloween posts lol! Its November now for gosh sakes!

We had a half hour of rehearsal before the performance, the kids looked good. I performed with them this time around, because we had so many kiddos under six performing. Usually if they are older then six, I have them perform it alone. They did regardless though! I was so proud! We performed the dance twice, then did our finale to the Ghostbuster's song. The parents just LOVED it! I got so many "Thank You's" and "Great Job's" from all of the parents and some of the grandparents. The kiddos, they were so proud of themselves. And I was too, even though they were all nervous at the beginning (I had invited some Wreckingclowns members to watch) they all did so well keeping together, remembering each step and keeping in character! Great job Hip Hop I! Miss Jillian is so proud of you!

Do you see Teen Wolf on the far left there? I just about died over his creative costume! I loved Teen Wolf when I was younger, it made me so happy to see one of my students dress up like him! Awesome! 

All my students did such a fantastic job! We are now going onto our breakdancing session. They are all very excited. We will be focusing on top rocking this month and down rocking in December. Then we will finish up the semester with a Christmas Showcase! Yay!!


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