Everything will be okay...

I didn't know exactly how to title this in the beginning and honestly, I am still not satisfied with the end product. But I am just picky… :) Sorry I haven't posted the past few days! Monday was a rough day for the kids and I, we were involved in a car accident. I have never been in an accident that was my fault but it was my fault this time, by technicality. My brake line snapped on the way to a new park we were going to check out and I slammed into the person in front of me. Everything else afterwards was a blur for me. I tried to follow the person I had hit to a parking lot, my brakes were toast and I almost hit oncoming traffic several times before making it into the parking lot. The kids screamed and screamed in the back seat, but I had to park before I could tend to them. I had to coast to a stop every time because pushing on the actual brake did nothing. I just started sobbing, everything went so fast! Then the police came, my husband showed up, after that the insura...