Our Family Vacation: Day Five

Our last day of vacation was full of driving, car repairs and rest areas. It was another stressful, long trip but we tried our best to enjoy the scenery and each other's company. We were definitely happy to be back at home lol! There are no pictures for this post, so bear with me lol! We were too distracted by the car to take any!

Day Five: Driving Back Home

We started out the morning at a decent time, the kids woke up with the sun, once again. We took turns showering while the kids bounced on the beds and watched Disney Junior. Then we packed up and went looking for breakfast. After checking out, we discovered that this hotel only had a continental breakfast that ran only until 10:30, a half hour after we had checked out. So breakfast at the hotel was not an option. We drove to the closest gas station, grabbing muffins and donuts that would have to suffice. Then we were on the road again.

We made good time, hitting Bozeman before lunchtime. Around Bozeman, I received a text from my boss, telling me that my sub was a no show. We suddenly had a time to shoot for, I wanted to try and make it before close to help out my crew. Little did I know, the car had different plans. Around Livingston, the car started acting funky again. It was low on gas, so we pulled over and fueled up. Lon checked the engine and decided we were good for now. We kept moving on.

Just a few miles out of Columbus though, the car started acting weird again so we had to pull off on some random Ranch Access area. That basically meant that we pulled off into "Cow Land" lol, every where there were grazing cows. On the road, off to the side of the road, all of them staring at us like we were crazy for pulling into their road and popping the hood. Alan and Anna talked to the cows the whole time we were there, assuring them that we wouldn't hurt them lol. One cow even tried to put his nose in the window at the kids! Oh they thought that was a riot, Mom and Dad not so much however. :) Lon figured out the issue, put in some more oil and we headed out for the last few miles of our trip.

Up by Park City, we passed by some crazy driver, who preceded to follow us and pass us at some very unsafe points. The jerk almost caused a five car wreck by passing so close to several other cars at high speeds! Oooh, he made me quite mad. And with our car already needing to take it easy? No sir! So we took down his info and made a report. I cannot believe that people would think its okay to cut off cars and pass them at such high speeds! How immature! :/ I am glad we kept our cool during the whole thing and made it out safely.

We arrived in Billings around two, immediately needing to pull into the nearest Lube joint around. We settled with Walmart again. Thankfully, this Walmart was much quicker then the one in Butte, it only took us 45 minutes to get everything checked and changed, way better then the four hours it took in Butte. We had lunch there, since we hadn't eaten yet. Then we were officially HOME! Yay! It was a good trip and a wonderful vacation, but it was definitely nice to be back home after a big five day vacation.

I do think that Alan and Anna will have some good memories from Anna's family vacation. I bet that Mister Alan's favorite part of the whole trip was either the hotel rooms, the cows we met or going swimming in Flathead Lake. I bet Miss Anna's favorite part was also the hotel rooms and the wedding. I really enjoyed being a part of my sister's special day. And Lon just liked being all together as a family for five days straight. :) It was a great vacation, I hope we can do another one sometime next summer!


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