Alan's Last Soccer Game of the Season

Today I started the Cheer and Dance Camp with the YMCA. I have 14 great girls that are already some hard workers! Wow! Today we learned a cheer, several cheer positions and how to project your voice. :) We practice at Pioneer Park and will be having a performance this Friday for their parents. Last Saturday, we had Alan's last soccer game of the summer season and last game for sometime too probably. With fall coming up and with that gymnastics and preschool, Alan would be out of Y sports probably until winter season. With that being noted, this game was a big deal for Mom and for Alan. :) Here are some photos from that day!

Alan was on the Red Team this weekend, they had cute little jerseys for him to wear. He was excited to be on the same time as his friend Aiden from school, so was Mommy lol. Mister Aiden is quite a hard worker, especially in the game of soccer, I wanted Alan to be pushed by him in the game. My hopes were correct too, Alan became quite the Go-Getter too!

The way the Tiny Tots Sports Program does games is pretty simplest. It makes sense, these kids are usually between the ages of three and five, too much complication or too many rules in the game isn't a good idea. They learn to dribble, pass and score the soccer ball. They do three scrimmages a session that are pretty low key too. They don't believe in keeping score and we encourage everyone during the games. I love the Tiny Tots Sports Programs, they are so good for getting your preschooler out there and doing sports! They do not focus on competing or setting kids up against each other. It is all about progressing your individual self and working together as a team. They also teach the kids the YMCA Core Values: Honesty, Caring, Responsibility and Respect. These are important values that I am glad my kids are learning! Keep up the hard work Coach Sarah!

After the game, they held the Awards Presentation. Coach Sarah got up and called out each kids' name, they were then presented with a certificate of completion. Alan was so proud to receive his! I think it was his favorite part of the whole thing! Such a silly boy, he reminds me more and more of myself each day! :D Anna and I cheered for Alan when Coach Sarah called his name. He beamed as she shook his hand and handed him his certificate. He pointed proudly at his name when I took his photo with his certificate. He was so proud of himself, and he had every reason to be!

Like I mentioned above, Alan will be taking off the fall from sports to focus on gymnastics and starting school again. Although I really want him to play Flag Football in the fall, we may wait until next year to start that. I am still partial to signing him up for Track and Field in November though. I think that he would really enjoy that sport and could greatly benefit from it too. So we will see. :) But for now, he is done with sports until gymnastics starts up again this September.


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