Back at Home!

WE ARE BACK!!!!  That was definitely one wild trip! The land was stunning, the lake was huge, the wedding was lovely, the bride was gorgeous, the reception was fun, camping was awesome, swimming in the lake was a blast for the kids, and the drive… Oh the drive!!!!! It was horribly long but with some beautiful Montana scenery and too much construction! :P All in all, it was a crazy but good family vacation! All of us are exhausted from traveling but happy we went. I am pretty sure the kids loved every second of it! Especially when we stayed in a hotel room, not once because of the car but TWICE! Yes I bet that was their favorite part, which makes the fact that I had to pay for two nights totally worth it. :)

Now, we are totally beat from the trip but I just couldn't leave you all in the dark. So I will definitely post about our trip more tomorrow but for now, here is a sneak peak photo from our trip! This photo was taken at the wedding, by the wonderful photographer Jenna Cochran! She has taken most of Natalie's professional quality photos and is an amazing photographer in my personal opinion! Thanks Jenna, I love all of the photos! 


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