The Fall Gymnastics Showcases

Oh boy, did I have a busy week! I had a total of five showcase performances, plus a Thriller performance for my Saturday hip hop class! How crazy! I cannot believe that next week is Halloween and everything that comes with it: Alan's preschool Halloween party, Healthy Halloween at my work and trick or treating! It is just insane! We need to finish up the last few things on the kiddos costumes! And get pumpkins! Gah, its all coming up so fast!

Tumble 1 5:30 class

My younger Tumble 1 class did wonderful! They performed two floor routines (a boys routine and a girls routine) and a beam routine for their friends and family. I also passed four out of eight of my kids to Tumble 2, literally half of the class! Even the ones who are staying in Tumble 1 still progressed so much in the 7 weeks of class. Good job kids, you all worked so hard! I am very proud of all of you. Hope to see you next class. Above is a photo of Miss Ariel and I doing a skills pose with the kids.

Tumble 1 6:30 class

My older girls in my Tumble 1 class did amazing in their showcase performance! They performed their one floor routine twice and their beam routine. I loved their artistry and their skills display! I passed five out of the seven girls to Tumble 2. Wonderful job girls! I am quite proud of you, you all worked very hard and progressed so much. Thank you for always trying and doing your best! Hope to see you next session in class! Above is a class photo of us doing a skills pose. Keep up all the hard work!

Tumble Bears class

My Tumble Bears class worked so hard on their showcase. I am very proud of all of these little girls! It is quite difficult for a bunch of three and four year olds to sit and wait for their turn to show of their gymnastics skills, but these girls did a wonderful job! Great job girlies! Hope to see you in class next session, keep up all the hard work!

Tumble 2 5:30 class

My younger Tumble 2 class made me quite proud too! Their showcase performance pieces were very difficult, especially for our five year olds. But they still did their best and worked very hard! Good job guys! I passed three of the seven students in this class, that is a pretty good amount considering how difficult the skill list for Tumble 2 is! Most students go through this class at least twice, but some of my students only needed one session! :D Above is both our certificate picture as well as our skills picture. Hope to see you all in class next session!

Tumble 2 6:30 class

I am still waiting to get the photos from one of my students' mamas for this class. But they worked the hardest by far! The theme of their floor routines were "Mastery" and the theme of their beam routine was "Balance." I pushed these kids so hard, and they succeeded at almost everything I threw at them! Amazing job guys! I passed almost the whole class to Tumble 3, except for 2 students. That is also the best percentage for passing! I am super proud of these kids, they work so hard and impress me each class! Keep trying your hardest, I hope to see all of you in the next session!


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