Fall Birthday Parties!

And I thought that September was the month for birthday parties! Holy birthday parties this month though! Last weekend was two of Anna's friends' birthday parties and this weekend the kids have another birthday party for some siblings we know! That is technically four different birthday kids! Crazy!

Ryleigh's Birthday Party

Miss Anna was invited to her very first birthday party for a daycare friend where her big brother was not present. My big girl did such a good job too! The party was Thomas the train themed, I thought that was super cute and original! Look at that cake too! Her mother spent all night making it, and it is rainbow striped on the inside too! Wow! I was working the party, so I didn't get to take many photos of her. But here are some from Ryleigh's mama! The kids did an obstacle course, played hide and go seek together, and flew on the zip line! Miss Anna had a blast and was such a big girl! She wasn't even upset when Alan had to leave. Good job Anna Banana! Happy birthday Miss Ryleigh!

The party guests going through the obstacle course
(Anna in upper left corner with green balloon)

Emma and Joseph's Birthday Party

Both Alan and Anna went to this party, it was a birthday for two siblings that they were both friends with. Joseph's party was Minecraft themed (Alan was in HEAVEN lol, guess what he wants for his birthday next year) and Emma's party was Tinkerbell themed. They each had their own decorated cake and cupcakes! Yum! Since it was a staff member's party, there were 28 kids total. 28!!!!! That was the biggest birthday party I have ever done! Wow! :D All of the kids had a wonderful time. It was a little loud, wild and crazy lol. But we had a good time regardless. Alan was so excited to run all over with his best friends and Anna had Emma to chase around. The kids loved the zip line, I had to make it into its own "station-type" obstacle course lol. There were so many kids! We made it work though and in the end, everyone had such an amazing time! Happy birthday Emma and Joseph!

The whole birthday crew
(minus Miss Anna, she refused to sit down for the photo!)

Next weekend, we have a baby shower too! All this week I have gymnastics showcases and then my two Thriller performances. And then its Halloween! Oh my word, so much to do this October! The kids and I are just loving every second of it though!


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