Happy birthday Hubby!

Today is a very special birthday to me. It is my amazing, handsome, smart, funny, caring, loving husband. Happy birthday Lon!

We have been together for over six years now, oh how much we have experienced together! Happiness and sadness, sickness and health, many different houses, several different jobs, two beautiful births of our amazing children, the passing of two loved ones, finding new friends and loving each other each and every day. I love you Lon! Here's to many more years spent together raising this beautiful little family we have! Happy birthday babe.

Tonight, I am taking Lon out to eat for his birthday. I am not sure yet where he wants to go, probably Outback Steakhouse, knowing him lol. But I am excited to have a night to celebrate him, just us two! Thanks Mom for watching the children for us!

Happy birthday sweetheart. We love you so much!


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