Andersen Family Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas!!! I hope that everyone's past two days were just wonderful! Ours definitely were special, even despite receiving bad news about a potential house the day before Christmas Eve. There were still so many things to be thankful for and so many reasons to feel blessed. We did not do too much for Christmas, we stayed in town and visited Lon's family as well as mine.

Christmas Eve was spent with Lon's family and Uncle Aaron! It was so great to see him! Uncle Cameron was also supposed to come down, but something came up unfortunately. Regardless, it was still a blessing seeing the kids with Uncle Aaron. Uncle Aaron is currently stationed in New York with the Army, the last time he saw Alan and Anna was at the Montana Fair in 2012. Anna literally was only a month old then! Uncle Aaron was in complete awe with how much older she was.

Christmas Day started with Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Kevin, Uncle Kalvin and Aunt April. We opened our presents from them and had orange rolls for breakfast, as is tradition. Then we met up with Lon at the Village Inn for our own Christmas morning together. We opened our presents from Santa and from each other, then spent the rest of the morning watching movies by the fire. It was completely perfect! I know it may have been better if we had been at our own place, but we still felt the blessing of our family in full.

The kids made Lon a bunch of crafts for his Christmas present this year. Since he isn't living with the kids currently, I feel like he sometimes misses out on all the crafts and drawings that they make. So we changed that! Clearly he appreciated it. :)

After our family time, we headed to Grandma Amber and Grandpa Steve's house for Christmas brunch.  Uncle Aaron, Aunt Ariel and Uncle Chase were also there. The kids opened all their presents from their aunts and uncles. The kids were spoiled by their aunts and uncles this year! Dang! Thanks guys, you are all so awesome! The kiddos appreciate it and so do we. :) Then we sat down to brunch with his family. It was a great time with the in-laws!

We went to Great Aunt Carolyn and Great Uncle Rick's house in the heights for Christmas dinner. We were fashionably late (by like an HOUR, ugh) so Alan missed out on playing with Sophie for more then a few minutes. But we still had a great time with everyone! Great Grandma Carol and Great Grandpa Floyd were also there, I was so glad that they were! :) We had ham and turkey for dinner, plus so many delicious sides! For dessert there was pecan pie, pumpkin pie or RUM CAKE. Can you guess which one I chose lmao????? I love Rum Cake so much, especially when my uncle makes it. He makes it quite strong, just the way I like it. :P I know that I am weird, I don't like to drink but I enjoy the taste of rum…

I tell you, I am like the blogger of the year… I totally only took two snapshots from our entire dinner at my aunt's house! TWO!!! That is so pitiful, I am ashamed! ***hangs head in shame*** The two that I took aren't even that good of photos either. I even had Uncle Kalvin take our family photo last minute this year. We were on our way out the door when I thought "Shoot! I forgot to get an annual family photo! Kalvin, help!!!!"

And this is what we got lol. He is still learning how to use a camera and zoom, he is only ten and a half after all. I am very grateful for all of his help! And I do have to say, with our track record of family photos thus far, I think it is quite adequate! Our family photos are always quirky in one way or another! :) Thanks Kalvin!

How was your Christmas?


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