Festival of Trees 2014

Happy Holidays! I am so excited that I can finally say that! I love December and the holiday season! I have been waiting for this all year! We have been applying for houses like crazy too, in hopes that we will have a place by Christmas. Wouldn't that be perfect? Its honestly all that I want for Christmas this year. Pray for us to get lucky! :) I hope that everyone is having a great Christmas season, I know that we are! We went to the Festival of Trees last night with Grandma Melanie and Grandpa Kevin. Aunt April was performing with her dance studio. She did so awesome, as usual! They even did their new dances, like their Spice Girl song choreographed by Ade! Oh my goodness, it was all so awesome! Great job April! I could go on and on about how wonderful their performance was! Seriously! She even inspired one of my own dance students who was their with family! :D

Aunt April and her crew after their performance

After Diversity was done with their PHENOMENAL performance, we walked around and looked at all the Christmas trees.

Then we made our way over to the Kids Area. Alan and Anna played several games and we made cupcakes… More like, decorated cupcakes lol, but Alan was totally convinced that we actually made them. :) Silly guy!

Unfortunately, Santa had already left by the time we had arrived at the Kids Area, but his elves gave the kids a candy cane each. We will have to meet up with Santa later. ;) We still had a wonderful time! My parents invited us to Fuddruckers for dinner afterwards, one of Alan's favorite places! We all ordered burgers (WHAT ELSE DO YOU ORDER AT FUDDS???????) and had a great time! Its always nice to go out to dinner with family. Good people, delicious food and great conversation. I will take that any night! What a nice way to end my weekend!

This morning we are headed over to Kelsie's house. She hurt her back pretty badly last week and ended up in the hospital. Now that she is out, her hubby has to go back to work again, so we offered to come hang out and help out around the house. :) Alan is probably more excited about this then he is about Christmas itself lol. He cannot wait! He woke up bright and early this morning and has been bugging me ever since. :) Should be a great day!


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