Winter Gymnastics Showcases 2014

We had our annual winter gymnastics showcase this week, among other crazy things. I also had my first ever fully run show, The Nutcracker, this Friday. Both performances (I should actually say ALL the performances, there were five gymnastics showcases total) went very well. I am so proud of all of my students for working so hard preparing for this performance. I know that it was difficult keeping focused at times, especially with Christmas coming up. But you all did wonderful! Great job!

Now that I am done with all of my performances, it is time to actually prepare for Christmas! I am a bit panicked, I still have so much to prepare for! I have to finish getting my presents for Lon, wrap the kiddos' presents, send out Christmas cards and make sure we are all set for Santa. Gah!! I don't really have a lot of time to write this post, so I will be sharing all the lovely skills photos with y'all. Thanks for  always being so understanding! :P

Tumble One 5:30 class

I had to take two separate skill photos of my Tumble One class, there are so many of them! Congratulations guys, I am so proud of all of your hard work and determination!

Tumble One 6:30 class

Tumble Two 5:30 class

I also had to take two separate photos of my Tumble Two class! There's something about my 5-7 year old classes, I always have at least eight kids in them! Its crazy! :D Glad to see that the young generation is SO interested in gymnastics!

Tumble Two 6:30 class

I passed a total of twelve students to their next progressive level. That is a pretty low number, considering I usually at least pass half of my students. However, with the holiday season upon us, I feel that a lot of students were slightly more distracted this session. It was a difficult session for many, and every student did there best. I am so proud of ALL of my students, even the ones I didn't pass. Wonderful job this session kids!


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