Top Two Tuesday!! April 5, 2011

Top Two Songs on your Ipod!!

Like The Undomestic Mama, I do not have a Ipod lol. :) I used to, my senior year of high school, but it was ruined in 2008 by a spiteful ex girlfriend of my current boyfriend at that time. So I will, like The Undomestic Mama, post my top two favorite songs (as of right now lol).

#1 "Digital Love" by Daft Punk

#2 "She Don't Use Jelly" by the Flaming Lips

I've been viewing a lot of these and I think I'm also gonna post some runner up songs. Because I have so many songs and so many bands that I love, I can't not add a few more! :P

Runner up #1 "Aeroplane" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Runner up #2 "Blood Red Summer" by Coheed and Cambria

Runner up #3 "Dig" by Incubus

Runner up #4 "Redemption Song" by the ever beloved Bob Marley <3 <3 <3


  1. Haven't heard The Flaming Lips in a long time, it brought a smile to my face!

  2. Love the Flaming Lips-great choices!

  3. I love both of these!!! Great picks!

  4. I am obsessed with the Flaming Lips!! Lol, I love Wayne Coyne so much, almost named my son after him. :) Daft Punk beats it just by this much though lol. "Digital Love" is the best!! <3


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