Wedding Details...

I don't have a lot to post but I'm too excited and can't sleep lol, but I will just make this short and sweet. I figured it'd be fun for me to post about all the little fun details and traditions that we will be doing at the wedding and reception. :)

We will be getting married at the courthouse, which may seem old fashioned or plain to some. However, there are several reasons why we are doing this. We do not belong to a church or organized religion, so having our non-religious wedding in a church seems somewhat disrespectful to us. That leaves us with other indoor venues and outdoor venues. I'm not an indoor wedding venue type of person, especially since I am getting married the end of April. I had a few outdoor venues in mind (Fairy Falls in Yellowstone National Park, The Rimrocks) but I have six very important people that need to be present at my wedding, my grandparents, and several of them would not be able to transverse the terrain of said outdoor venues. Thus the courthouse is perfect. The final reason is because my parents were married at the town's couthouse, as were my grandparents, as were my great grandparents. Wow what a legacy. We'd love to carry that on with our wedding. :) I did treat myself a little bit though, and if the weather is nice we're having the wedding outside in the vetran's park (they have a ceremony are set up). So its a win-win!

Our wedding colors are purple and gold. Oooooh so royal lol. :P Nah, just our favorite colors. The flowers for the wedding are yellow calla lilies and red roses. My bouquet is a gorgeous draping yellow calla lilies and bear grass bouquet. Sooooo perfect! The bridesmaids will also be carrying calla lilies and the flower girls will be throwing red rose petals.

The Wedding Party:
Maid of Honor: Jenelle Mehling
Best Man: Darren McCandless

Natalie Kimmel
Rachael Dabel
Kari Stringfield

Cameron Andersen
Tyler Andersen
Chase Andersen

Flower Girls:
April Kimmel
Ariel Andersen

Ring Bearers:
Kalvin Kimmel
Alan Andersen

My somethings:
Old: The sparrow broach on the bow around my waist, from Lon's grandmother (its over 75 years old!)

New: Dress, Veil

Borrowed: My mother's wedding ring <3 <3 <3 <3 My father gave her a anniversary ring and she wears that now. I'm so honored to wear the ring my father gave my mother on their wedding day <3 <3 <3 <3

Blue: Shoes

Our Song: "Wonderwall" by Oasis

My Daddy and Me Song: "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlilse

I cannot wait to get on here next time as Mrs. Andersen! I will post photos of the wedding as soon as I can! I love you all so much! <3


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