On Easter Sunday
I know its almost been a week now, but I just realized that I had not posted about how our Easter morning and Alan's first Easter egg hunt! They both went so well, but were over-shadowed by the wedding and reception. Nonetheless, they deserve their spot in my blog. I will also add photos as soon as I figure this whole thing out lol (Can you email pictures to your blog?) but for now, bear with me. :)
Sunday morning came to find Lon and I toddler-less (Alan had spent the night at his grandparent's house) but for some reason we still woke up at 8 am lol so I made him a breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast that we ate in bed lol, watching Mystery Science Theather 3000 for an hour or two. For those of you who have never heard of this crazy awesome old show, google it lol. :D Here's a photo of the characters from one of the seasons. Lon and I are just obsessed!

Then we went over to Alan's grandparent's house for Alan's first Easter egg hunt. :) It was made by Grandpa Kevin (We aren't going to tell Alan that the Easter Bunny is real. He is just a story, that's what we'll tell him.) in their backyard.
Grandpa Kevin did a great job! Upon first glance, the backyard was spotted with color. Then with a second look, you realized all those spots are eggs! He must've hid like fifty eggs for the three kids lol! He even had "layered" the eggs for height: some on the ground for Alan, some mid-level for Uncle Kalvin, and some up high for tall Miss April. Go Grandpa go!! You rock! :D
Alan and I went through it with Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin. Before the hunt, I planned on having to show Alan what to do with his eggs. I imagined him filling his little hands with eggs and then throwing all of them just so he could get more eggs lol. :) However, as soon as I set him on the ground, he was off picking up eggs and putting them into his firetruck basket! I was so proud of my big boy, I just stood back and took photo after photo. The funny thing was, even though Alan and I have practicing the word "egg" all week, he kept calling them "balls." Silly boy. :) He did great altogether though, and found over TEN eggs all by himself!
Alan spoiled when it came to Easter gifts as well. He got an Hippie Easter Bunny, Thomas the Train egg, and Hippie Easter van from us. My parents got him several Easter Bunny books, a Tonka firehouse playset, Elmo PJs, some toddler appropriate candy :) and an Easter outfit. Great Grandma and Grandpa Kimmel also got Alan the cutest little outfit. And Alan also got a bubble lawn mower from one of his "What to Expect cousins." :)
Then of course, we prepared for the wedding reception at the Village Inn. <3 <3 <3
Looking back on the day as a whole, I am pleased that we were able to fit some family Easter time in before all the choas and fun of the wedding reception. It was nice to wake up early and spend time with my new husband :) and then to go over to my parent's house for some Easter fun! Hope everyone else had as good of a day as we did! Happy Easter holiday everyone!
Sunday morning came to find Lon and I toddler-less (Alan had spent the night at his grandparent's house) but for some reason we still woke up at 8 am lol so I made him a breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast that we ate in bed lol, watching Mystery Science Theather 3000 for an hour or two. For those of you who have never heard of this crazy awesome old show, google it lol. :D Here's a photo of the characters from one of the seasons. Lon and I are just obsessed!
Then we went over to Alan's grandparent's house for Alan's first Easter egg hunt. :) It was made by Grandpa Kevin (We aren't going to tell Alan that the Easter Bunny is real. He is just a story, that's what we'll tell him.) in their backyard.
Alan before the Easter egg hunt
Grandpa Kevin did a great job! Upon first glance, the backyard was spotted with color. Then with a second look, you realized all those spots are eggs! He must've hid like fifty eggs for the three kids lol! He even had "layered" the eggs for height: some on the ground for Alan, some mid-level for Uncle Kalvin, and some up high for tall Miss April. Go Grandpa go!! You rock! :D
Aunt April, Alan and Uncle Kalvin
Alan and I went through it with Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin. Before the hunt, I planned on having to show Alan what to do with his eggs. I imagined him filling his little hands with eggs and then throwing all of them just so he could get more eggs lol. :) However, as soon as I set him on the ground, he was off picking up eggs and putting them into his firetruck basket! I was so proud of my big boy, I just stood back and took photo after photo. The funny thing was, even though Alan and I have practicing the word "egg" all week, he kept calling them "balls." Silly boy. :) He did great altogether though, and found over TEN eggs all by himself!
Aunt Natalie, Grandma Melanie (looking fabulous lol), Me and Alan
Alan spoiled when it came to Easter gifts as well. He got an Hippie Easter Bunny, Thomas the Train egg, and Hippie Easter van from us. My parents got him several Easter Bunny books, a Tonka firehouse playset, Elmo PJs, some toddler appropriate candy :) and an Easter outfit. Great Grandma and Grandpa Kimmel also got Alan the cutest little outfit. And Alan also got a bubble lawn mower from one of his "What to Expect cousins." :)
Then of course, we prepared for the wedding reception at the Village Inn. <3 <3 <3
Looking back on the day as a whole, I am pleased that we were able to fit some family Easter time in before all the choas and fun of the wedding reception. It was nice to wake up early and spend time with my new husband :) and then to go over to my parent's house for some Easter fun! Hope everyone else had as good of a day as we did! Happy Easter holiday everyone!
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